More AZ GOP guns in the news: Blake Schritter

by David Safier

Yesterday I posted about Pima County Sheriff candidate Chester Manning holding a "Shoot With the New Sheriff" campaign event a day after the six month anniversary of the shooting at Giffords' Congress on Your Corner event.

M Now comes news of Blake Schritter, a staffer in Rep. Paul Gosar's district office (constituent services), resigning over his violent posts on Twitter.

Here are the tweets that got him in trouble:

“I can’t believe how unprofessional liberal professors can be. I’m sitting here, cleaning my gun, thinking…this is a classroom!!!”

“The line at the post office is moving at a glacial pace. I’m ready to open fire with a handgun to get some damn service!”

Schritter_YAF According to his Facebook page, Schritter is also a grad student in criminology at NAU. And he's an advocate of guns on campus for people like himself who have a permit:

Blake Schritter, a graduate student in criminology who has undergone concealed-carry training in Arizona and Utah, said he'd be in favor of allowing students who have a state-issued permit to carry a concealed weapon to bring their firearms to NAU. [From the Good Guys with Guns blog]

Schritter's Twitter name is/was "drunkenbs." He's taken down the page, but other tweets showing his love of drink live on:

"Holy hangover Batman! I'd sell one of my nephews for two advil right now."

"Just had a relative tell me I don't need to drink to be sociable and fun. My response: I'm drinking so that your (sic) sociable and fun!"

On his Myspace page, Schritter lists his Heroes:

I consider my Mom and Dad my heroes. Then there are my political heroes like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter! However, my greatest hero is without a doubt Jesus.

I have nothing to add about Limbaugh, Coulter and Jesus. But as for mom and dad, Schritter had some interesting tweets about those particular heroes:

"I've been visiting my parents for 10 minutes and I'm already white knuckling it to the whisky cabinet!"

"Mom: you could move home and live with dad and I. Me: I would rather choke a unicorn and drink heavily."

So much for family values.

Schwitter is past president of the NAU chapter of Arizona Federation of College Republicans which, according to the organization's website, is

. . . a state wide organization helping individual College Republican Chapters across Arizona promote Conservative Ideals on campus and in the community.

A screen shot from the photo gallery:


(h/t to AZ Blue Meanie for the catch.)

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