Hypocrisy from the Liar in Chief: Declaring a Border Emergency After Killing Border Security Legislation Months Ago

Donald Trump, the person who could not push border security through Congress when his party had full control in the first two years of his first term and who singlehandedly torpedoed a bipartisan measure to fund border security in the last Congress so he could successfully fool his supporters into thinking he actually cared about it, declared an emergency on the Southern Border yesterday in one of his many Executive Orders designed to make life crueler and chaotic for the American People.

Strange that Mr. Trump did not declare an emergency on our Northern Border or on our coastlines.

Guess no illegal drugs or human trafficking or more importantly to Trump and his cabal of White Nationalist MAGA fanatics, brown people, come into the country that way.

What people should remember is that the people who are screaming the loudest about an emergency at the Southern Border and spreading big lies about invasions from illegal prisoners and mental patients are the ones who had a hand in creating and festering it.

Trump could have worked towards a bipartisan immigration measure that provided funding for border security manpower and technologies when he first came to office.

He did not.

If the Southern Border was such a powder keg endangering national security, why did Trump, as a true American Leader, give his support for the Bipartisan Border Security Bill rather than torpedo it for political gain.

Moreover, it was House Republicans like Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise who obstructed bipartisan immigration reform in the Obama Administration because they wanted the issue for future elections and did not want to help Dreamers.

People have to remember that most Republicans like Trump and his MAGA have used immigration, especially on the southern border, to stoke fear of the other and dehumanize people coming into the country illegally who they accuse of taking jobs, draining the welfare state, and making communities unsafe.

They use it to demonstrate false strength, a feigned commitment to national security, and prey on the weak.

Bishop Mariann Budde had it right when speaking truth to power when she publicly called out the Liar in Chiefs bull fecal matter and implored Trump and Vance to their faces yesterday to show mercy to members of the immigrant and LGBTQ Community, correctly noting that these people, far from being criminals and deviants, are hard-working, tax-paying, and peace-loving people who just want as President Joe Biden repeatedly said during his tenure “A fair shot at the American Dream.”

Immigration in this country does need to be reformed. Border Security does need to be enhanced on all the nation’s borders.

A January 22, 2025 letter from 12 Democratic Senators demonstrates again that there is a yearning for bipartisan solutions to this area.

Trump and Republicans need to stop playing theatrics, backed up by Gestapho-type raids on the nation’s schools and churches to root out illegal migrants, and sit down and finally work on solutions to the real problems.

But that would be actual governing.

Do not bet on that coming from the Liar in Chief.

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2 thoughts on “Hypocrisy from the Liar in Chief: Declaring a Border Emergency After Killing Border Security Legislation Months Ago”

  1. Invasion? What invasion? We spent two days down along the border last weekend and the only invasion we could see was several thousand Sandhill Cranes, hundreds of Snow Geese and quite a few birdwatchers. We were within five miles of the border for hours and believe it or not saw only two parked Border Patrol cars at a closed highway check point and not a single person who might be an “illegal”. There was almost no activity at the official border crossing in Douglas. Anyone who thinks there is an invasion should go down to the border and observe for themselves.

    • Seem to recall that a lot of MAGA types convoyed to Eagle Pass, Texas to ward off the invasion. Only to find there were no invaders to be seen. So, what did they do? Start beating the crap out of each other!


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