National Day of Solidarity Rallies in Support of Wisconsin Workers This Saturday

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Message from Congressman Raúl Grijalva, Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus:

I want to take a moment to update you on our fight against the Republican Party’s war on working families.

Yesterday, I was on a conference call with my colleague, Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Representative Keith Ellison, and Wisconsin Senate Democratic Leader Mark Miller to let our nation know that we Progressives stand united for our working families in the face of Republican intimidation.

What we are witnessing in Wisconsin and other states is a struggle that speaks to the broader hardships confronting America’s working families.  Unemployment is near 10%, banks are foreclosing on families left and right, and irresponsible Republican policies are bankrupting our governments.  Rather than promoting true fiscal responsibility and enacting sound economic policies that curtail excess spending and rein in outrageous tax cuts for big corporations and the ultra wealthy, the GOP continues to do the bidding of the rich and big business.

Right now, our progressive brothers and sisters throughout America face a defining moment as the Right Wing pushes its assault on working families to new heights. Under the guise of “fiscal responsibility”, the GOP is once again putting corporate power ahead of people power.  Their fraudulent claims are merely a cynical cover for their true intention: to destroy the American people’s right to organize and advocate for their rights as workers.

This is about much more than workers versus management.

This is about fundamental decency.

This is about the integrity of the relationship and the covenant that we, as a society, have with the people who teach our children, care for us when we get sick, and perform essential services that keep our communities functioning.  

This is about ensuring we have a robust middle class and prevent our nation from dissolving into a few wealthy folks at the top resting on the hard work of the people who made them rich.

This is about Progressives standing united against the Republicans’ assault on workers’ fundamental rights.

From Wisconsin to Indiana and Ohio, Republican leaders have shown their cards. They will stop at nothing to strip workers of their right to organize and negotiate a fair wage and give corporations and radical Republican governors the upper hand in breaking the back of the working man.

This Saturday, February 26th, at state capitols and cities across America, join your fellow Progressives in a show of solidarity for the Wisconsin workers and declare that the Republican war on working families must stop.

To find a rally near you, click here.

When the working man cannot speak up for his rights and fair wages in a strong, unified voice, the rich get richer and working families suffer.

Together, we must fight back against the Republicans’ attempts to strip workers of their rights, their decency, and their humanity.



For more information about Labor rallies this Saturday and next Tuesday in Phoenix, see earlier post Day of Action With the AFL-CIO – March 1, 2011 (updated).

UPDATE: is sponsoring a Rally to Save The American Dream in Tucson this Saturday:

Speedway and Campbell
Saturday, 26 Feb 2011, 12:00 PM

In Wisconsin, Arizona and around our country, the American Dream is under fierce attack. Instead of creating jobs, Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response and vital human services. The right to organize is on the chopping block. The American Dream is slipping out of reach for more and more Americans, and we have to fight for what's RIGHT… PEOPLE!!! Some incited anger and fear, while we fought for truth, while we fought for equality, we will continue to do this! Let's show them, that as they organize to have MORE people than us at Grijalva's office on Friday, that we can have even MORE supporters at one of the busiest intersections on Saturday! Join us, we must stand together!!! Share this event on Facebook:

Status: Public, open for RSVP, 250 attendees (max. 1000)
N. Campbell E Speedway (Map) 
Tucson, AZ 85719
Directions: All four corners of Speedway and Campbell – all the way to UofA's front gate on Campbell to University Medical Center, where Gabby and others fought for their lives.
Best way to contact host: e-mail