None of Doug Ducey’s Picks for the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority Seems to Have Any Expertise in Water Policy

Apparently having expertise in water policy is not the first qualification for a Doug Ducey appointee to serve on the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority, the state organ that “finances the design and construction of water and wastewater infrastructure projects.”

According to the recently passed a one billion dollars, water security measure passed at the end of the  2022 Arizona State Legislative session, the Finance Authority, as reported by Joanna Allhands at AZ Central stated that the qualifications to serve on the board are:

“…Must have “substantial” knowledge and experience in water or public finance. Four must hail from urban counties and four from rural ones, with the ninth member sort of an “at large” person who could break ties.

Members or their spouses also cannot work for an organization that receives cash from the board. Or be a registered lobbyist. Or someone who works for or consults with a water users’ or trade association…”

The four Ducey appointees (David Beckham, Buchanan Davis. Jonathan Lines, Andy Tobin) all have ties to the business community (I guess that counts as public finance in the Governor’s mind) and perhaps most importantly to the Governor, are members of Republican government and political circles. Please click on their biographies below.

The word water, as Arizona Corporation Commission Candidate Lauren Kuby pointed out, is not mentioned in any of these biographies. In his press release announcing the appointments, Mr. Ducey asserted that Davis and Lines have a background in working on water issues. How extensive that work was and the quality/direction of it should be examined.

Commenting on the Ducey appointments, Commission Candidate Kuby posted on social media:

At the request of Blog for Arizona, Kuby commented further, offering:

I have deep concerns about Ducey’s appointment to the newly created Water Infrastructure Finance Authority board (WIFA). As reported by Joanna Allhands in The Arizona Republic:

” … the nine members that fill these seats must have “substantial” knowledge and experience in water or public finance. Four must hail from urban counties and four from rural ones, with the ninth member sort of an “at large” person who could break ties.

Members or their spouses also cannot work for an organization that receives cash from the board. Or be a registered lobbyist. Or someone who works for or consults with a water users’ or trade association.”

While Ducey’s four appointments show the required geographical representation, a quick search of their online biographies reveals no water expertise. In fact, the word “water” is not found in any of the four men’s bios. We have in Buchanan Davis, Andy Tobin, Jonathan Lines, David Beckham (no not that David Beckham!), a former lobbyist for the Governor, a real-estate developer, a former Corporation Commissioner, and a former Republican party chair. Does this group have what it takes to lead on drought resilience — the most important issue confronting our state?

So far, this is not a board that reflects the diversity of our state. I expect that the two Democratic appointments include tribal representative and subject matter expertise, especially when you consider the depth and breadth of water knowledge evidenced in Arizona’s public universities. It’s shocking that there have been no female appointments to date.”

In a presser discussing building on the water security legislation, Arizona State Representative and Senate candidate Mitzi Epstein commented on the appointments, relaying:

“While I was glad to see people from four different areas of the state. That’s commendable. But one of the problems with the Water Finance Authority is it’s so partisan. There are nine seats and seven of them are appointed by Republicans, and in this case, extremely Republican Republicans. So I am a little disappointed that the governor didn’t look for, now, these folks may have water knowledge but I fear their knowledge may be biased towards corporate profits, and private profits, as opposed to getting wet water to people who need it. So I’m dubious but I do appreciate the credentials, knowledge, and expertise these people will bring and I am hopeful for their best interest in that they will be great listeners to the other perspectives on the board.”

After Representative Epstein spoke, House Assistant Democratic Leader Jennifer Longdon added:

“I am eagerly looking forward to Leader Bolding’s pick. I think that will be very reflective of the values that we bring, philosophically, to this discussion of water.”

It appears that Mr. Ducey, the person, whose administration helped guide the development of the current wasteful alfalfa deal with Saudi Arabia (whose leaders just screwed all Arizona and American Residents this week by cutting oil production)  sees the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority as another vehicle for local crony capitalists to make a potential end run around the Corporation Commission and Central Arizona Water Conservation Board on certain future projects and profit at the expense of the people and the long term water security of the state.

This is another reason why it is important to elect candidates this November that will put people and the environment first, not plutocrats and profits. Those candidates will appoint people that are well-versed in policy, not political tribalism.





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2 thoughts on “None of Doug Ducey’s Picks for the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority Seems to Have Any Expertise in Water Policy”

  1. Andy Tobin?!? He has the habit of popping up regularly….like herpes.

    And like that one, he just doesn’t go away.

    Guesd it must pretty lucrative, being one of Dougie”s preferred hatchet men/fixers.

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