President Joe Biden showed a mastery of detail while handling a series of questions on foreign policy and the state of his re-election campaign at a post N.A.T.O. summit press conference.
While not flawless, the President had command of the subject matter on the questions presented to him.
He defended his record of achievements.
He reaffirmed his commitment to N.A.T.O. and Ukraine’s Defense.
He praised Vice President Kamala Harris and said she was ready to be President.
He said he was the best qualified to continue in the White House and he wants to continue what he started.
He said that if his doctor recommended a cognitive test, he would take it.
He said that if the delegates wanted to vote their conscience at the Convention, they could.
He invented a new political slogan with “Control guns, not girls.”
When a reporter from NBC told him Trump was already making fun of him for substituting his name for Harris’s at the beginning of the conference, Biden smiled and replied “Listen to him.”
While Fair Weather Democrat Jim Himes waited until the first second after the President left the stage to issue a statement praising him for his record of achievement but telling him to exit Dodge (how nice of him; not,) voters in a CNN focus group in Michigan approved of Biden’s performance and voiced their support for him to continue. Please watch below.
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