Operation American Spring #EpicFail

“Operation American Spring,” the anti-government, anti-democracy fantasy of right-wingers who want to overthrow the U.S. government by force and replace it — with what exactly, they don’t really know, they haven’t thought that far ahead — was supposed to have happened on Friday when 10 to 30 million right-thinking Americans would force America’s elected leaders from office. Hallelujah!

These nuts were only off in their estimate by about 10 t0 30 million people. Tens Of People Descend Upon The Capitol To Drive The Obama Administration Out Of Office:

When Col. Harry Riley announced his plan for an Operation American Spring, he sought to evoke the same kind of populist uprising that toppled regimes in the Middle East, protests that were collectively given the moniker Arab Spring.

And while the photos that poured in from Tahrir Square were incredible, depicting tens of thousands of people in the streets, the pictures from American Spring were… less so.

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From DCist.com Photos: Operation American Spring Misses Projected Attendance By About 9,999,850:

When I arrived, about 150 mostly white dudes were stationed in the middle of the National Mall. (One such gentlemen referred to me as the “liberal Jew media” when I asked a question.) Even Awesome Con had more people show up in their attempt to break the world cosplaying record. The other 9,999,850 must have got stuck in traffic from the rain, or something. Here are some more pics that aptly sum up Operation American Spring.

AmericanSpring4Note the FAUX News talking points

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The “second American revolution” got off to a slow start in Washington, DC on Friday, falling roughly 9,999,950 people short of their goal of 10 million angry, constitution-wielding participants. (That was the low-end estimate. They were prepared for upwards of 30 million).

The few who did make it to Washington, D.C came with a laundry list of grievances, ranging from Benghazi, to Obamacare, to President Obama’s birth certificate, to general lawlessness.

“Our main goal is to return our government to the constitutional government,” said Marty Church, a protestor who traveled to Washington, D.C from the Maryland suburbs. “The whole administration is based on lies,” added Fred Lachance, another protester from Maryland.

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When pressed to cite other breaches of the constitution, one protestor referred us back to Operation American Spring’s website, which offers little more than an outline of the group’s three-phased mission (Phase 2 calls for 1 million of the 10 million gathered to camp out in Washington, D.C. until their demands are met).

Those demands — removing Obama, Biden and Nancy Pelosi from the federal government — are not achievable ones even according to many of the attendees. “It’s a good goal, but it’s not a realistic goal,” said Lachance. Others, though, were more optimistic.

“The Obama administration is lawless, and we want him out,” said Carrie “Beth” Koncar, who led a small group up from Georgia. “And basically that is the goal here, for the resignation of Obama, Biden, Pelosi. The Lord God is behind this, the Lord is the breath in this. He puts kings and kingdoms in their places, and he takes them down.”

As for the paltry turnout, several attendees could barely contain their dismay at the low-key affair. “I took a day off from work to come down,” said Art Skillman. “Where they are, I don’t know.”

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84qfizTSs40]