Psuedoconservatism in American Political Life

I stumbled across a copy of The American Scholar for Winter 2007 and found myself quite engrossed in the following article, so I thought to share it with all of you. I was impressed by the brevity and simplicity of the author’s cri du coeur for traditional conservative values, most of which we progressives share to a far greater extent than do those who today lay claim to the noble intellectual heritage of conservativism.

Link: The American Scholar – Not Compassionate, Not Conservative – By Ethan Fishman.

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1 thought on “Psuedoconservatism in American Political Life”

  1. I have been thinking about the “non conservative, conservative” for a long time now. I was most struck by an interview with Heather Wilson (R House New Mexico) on the radio program Now.

    She serves on the house intelligence committee and communicated her frustration with the administration about spying on America’s emails and phone conversations. She was stunned that the administration would not provide a legal rationale for how they said the spying was illegal…not even a legal rationale. The AG was quoted as saying it was an “innovative” legal argument. Wilson was blown away. Enough to say how most conservatives disagree with judicial activism and “innovative” legal arguments used to get around statutes that are properly written by Congress.

    What an impressive interview and what an impressive remark by a Republican about the “non conservative, conservatism” of this White House.

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