Public Policy Polling: Image of NRA and Tea-Publicans on the decline

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Public Policy Polling is out with a new poll today. The NRA, after Wayne La Pierre's performance art in the wake of the
Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, is now viewed negatively by the
public, 45% negative to 42% positive (and I assume most of these people
still cling to the belief that the NRA is primarily a gun safety organization rather than the chief
lobbyist for the merchants of death).

The public really hates the NRA's (and Attorney General Tom Horne's) idea to arm school teachers, with 64% opposed to 27% in favor; even gun owners are opposed to this idiotic idea.

The public is also opposed to putting armed police officers in schools, 50% opposed to 41% in favor.

The Tea-Publican Congress has only a 7% approval rating, with 81% disapproving. Which begs the obvious question: "What the hell were you people thinking?" You just had the chance to kick these clowns to the curb in November, and yet you voted to send then back! You don't get to complain about Congress when you are that freakin' stupid.

Tea-Publicans are upside-down by 60 points with all voters: only 15% of voters approve while 75% disapprove of them. Even among the Tea-Publican base, there is only 25% approval to 61% disapproval. So tell me again why we have a Tea-Publican Congress? This country is insane.

Here is the press release accompanying the poll. Images of NRA, Congressional Republicans on the decline:

PPP's newest national poll finds that the NRA's image has
declined over the last three weeks following Wayne LaPierre's
controversial press conference the week before Christmas.

The NRA now has a negative favorability rating, with 42% of voters
seeing it positively while 45% have an unfavorable view.
That represents
a 10 point net decline in the NRA's favorability from the week before
the press conference when a national poll we did found it at 48/41. Its image has taken a hit with both Democrats (from 29/59 to 22/67) and Republicans (71/19 to 66/18).

The NRA's focus on putting more guns in schools is likely what's
driving the decline in the organization's image. Only 41% of voters
support the organization's proposal to put armed police officers in
schools across the country, with 50% opposed.
Democrats (35/57) and
independents (38/51) both oppose the push and even among Republicans
only a narrow majority (52/39) supports it.

On the broader issue of giving teachers guns, only 27% of voters are
supportive with 64% opposed
. There's bipartisan opposition to that
concept with Republicans (35/50), independents (31/59), and Democrats
(19/77) all standing against it. Gun owners (37/52) oppose it as well.

The holidays and the fiscal cliff took a lot of the spotlight off gun
control measures, but in general 53% of Americans say they support
stricter gun laws with 40% opposed.

Congress emerged from the fiscal cliff debate with a 7% approval
rating, with 81% of voters disapproving of it
. But the two parties
aren't going in for equal blame. While the Democrats in Congress aren't
popular (-12 at 38/50) their approval rating is a net 48 points better
than their Republican counterparts (-60 at 15/75).The Republicans in
Congress have only a 25/61 approval rating even with the GOP base,
suggesting the potential for 2014 to bring a lot of primary challenges.

The considerably higher esteem the Democrats in Congress have
compared to the Republicans is extending to our early generic ballot
polling for 2014- 47% of voters say they'd support the Democratic
candidate for the House from their district if there was an election
today to 41% who say they would vote for the GOP nominee.

That disparity in approval numbers extends to the leaders in both the
House and Senate. It would have been unthinkable a couple years ago but
Nancy Pelosi now has a net approval rating (-21 at 34/55) that's 18
points better than John Boehner's (-39 at 21/60). Boehner has lost the
faith of his party base, with Republicans giving him a 36/43 rating. On
the Senate side Harry Reid comes in at 30/46 to Mitch McConnell's 24/46.
Although both bodies of Congress are unpopular, the Senate (28/56) has a
better image with the public than the House (15/69). Asked straight up
which body they have a higher opinion of, voters pick the Senate over
the House by a 38/27 margin.

Also: Barack Obama's approval rating stands at 51/46, up a shade from 50/47 a month ago.

Full results here.