Republicans Define Themselves for Democrats, Independents, and Those Who Think Their Party Has Left Them

As we approach the 2024 election cycle, Republican candidates and officeholders are doing a great job of saving the Democratic Party Media Apparatus money by negatively defining themselves to Democrats, Independents, and those who think their party has left them.

Through their positions of defending Donald Trump and his alleged criminal acts, calling the Domestic Terrorist attackers on the Nation’s Capitol on January 6 victims, supporting restrictions on reproductive, LGBTQ, minority, and political freedoms, war on knowledge and reality, and supporting budgets that fund voucher scholarships for religious private schools, increase the defense budget, reduce taxes for the wealthy, and do not allow the Internal Revenue Service to go after rich tax cheats, the former Party of Lincoln has shown they are against:

  • Law and Order.
  • Support for the police.
  • Personal freedom and choice.
  • Truth.
  • Fiscal Responsibility.

Because most members of the Republican Party have staked out these positions, they have made the Biden/Harris Administration and all down-ticket Democrats’ political lives easier by framing what is at stake in the next election cycle all by themselves.

To further demonstrate how the Republicans have potentially set themselves up for political failure in the blue and swing states and districts for the next electoral cycle, just look at some of the Lincoln Project’s latest video broadcasts like the latest “Last Week in the Republican Party” and “They Will Never Quit Trump.”

In these two ads, you see MAGA Republican Enablers, Demagogues, and Science Deniers like Donald Trump, Niki Haley, Kari Lake, Mike Pence, Lindsay Graham, Jim Jordan, and Debbie Lesko showing their anti-law and order and anti-reality credentials by saying they would consider pardoning Trump if found guilty (Haley and Pence,) blindly taking the Liar in Chief at his word (Jordan,) evading reality-based responses and climate science (Lesko and Graham,) threatening violence (Lake,) and predicting apocalyptic widespread crime and obliteration if he is not reelected (Trump.)

The former President in the Last Week ad also claims, despite the evidence to the contrary, his total innocence.

With Republicans being caught on video like this, Pro-Democratic candidate ads like the two above Lincoln Project ones write and produce themselves.

Hopefully, the people will pay close attention to these distinctions and make the right and sane choice on election day in 2024.