Saying “We Have to Act,” President Biden Calls on the Senate to Pass Gun Control Legislation

Did you know there were seven mass shootings over the last week?

Everyone is undoubtedly familiar with the horrific probable hate crime against the Asian Community in Atlanta, Georgia last week that took eight innocent lives and the murdering rampage in Boulder, Colorado that cost ten lives including a brave police officer responding to the incident.

Unfortunately, there were five other mass shootings that took place in:

  • Stockton, California (Five injuries, no fatalities.)
  • Gresham, Oregon (Four injuries, no fatalities.)
  • Houston, Texas (Five injuries, one person in critical condition.)
  • Dallas, Texas (Seven injuries, one fatality.)
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Five injuries, one fatality.)

Last week, President Biden and Vice President Harris appeared together in Atlanta, Georgia to condemn the probable hate crime mass shooting against eight members of the Asian Community and criticized those (in a veiled attack on his predecessor and his ethnic nicknames for the Coronavirus,) that stoked the violence in that direction.

With the sad events in Boulder, Colorado, President Biden spoke again condemning another mass shooting, telling Congress “we have to act,” and called for the Senate to pass two House measures that would regulate gun purchases.

With regards to the Boulder shooting, President Biden conceded that “a great deal is still unknown.”

However, he maintained three things were certain:

  • “Ten lives have been lost and more families have been shattered by gun violence in the state of Colorado.”
  • The police and other first responders were “heroic” in responding so quickly to the mass shooting, especially the “exceptional bravery” of the Boulder police officer (Eric Tally) that lost his life. Biden called him an “American Hero.”
  • “I don’t need to wait another minute let alone an hour to take common-sense steps that’ll save the lives in the future and urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act” in banning the use of assault weapons and other high magazine weaponry. Furthermore, President Biden called to close the gun show sale loophole and hoped the members of the Senate “were listening” to pass two House acts that would close these loopholes.

The President closed by again expressing condolences to those whose lives were lost, sympathy for their loved ones, and promising to keep the American People informed as more information is revealed.

This epidemic of mass shootings has to stop.

This is a public health crisis Congress has a duty to prevent.

They should enact legislation that will help reduce and stop further acts of mass killings from taking place in the future.


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1 thought on “Saying “We Have to Act,” President Biden Calls on the Senate to Pass Gun Control Legislation”

  1. The House passed two gun control measures earlier this month: a proposal to require background checks for all gun sales and transfers and a second to give the FBI more time to conduct background checks of people who are flagged by the national instant check system.

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said today “We will put these bills on the floor. I’ve said that and it will happen.” “Schumer to hash out gun control plan after mass shootings”,

    “I am going to meet with Sen. Chris Murphy and other Democrats this week — that had been set up already — and we’ll figure out the best path forward,” Schumer told reporters Tuesday afternoon.

    Schumer promised there will be a gun violence debate on the floor sometime soon.

    “We’re not going to do what [Senate Republican Leader Mitch] McConnell [R-Ky.] did and never let a vote occur, never let anything see the light of day. We have to figure out the best way to get the most done,” he said.

    The Democratic leader also declined to say whether Republican opposition to gun control legislation would make his caucus more likely to eliminate the Senate’s filibuster rule, which requires that legislation have 60 votes to proceed to final passage.

    -Wait for it –

    Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) told reporters Tuesday that he doesn’t support the House-passed background-checks bill.

    There are potentially a few Republican votes available that would render “Media Whore” Manchin irrelevant if the filibuster is done away with.

    Expanded background checks has support from 90 percent of Americans.

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