Why Obama Now (video)

by Pamela Powers Hannley

After the jump, watch a 3:44 minute video on why anyone who makes less than $1 million per year should vote to re-elect President Barack Obama. 

This is not rocket science, people. If you're undecided, you haven't been paying attention for the past 30 years. Vive la 99%.

Michelle Obama gets DNC Women’s Caucus ‘fired up and ready to go’ (video)


by Pamela Powers Hannley

The War on Women has been raging nationwide with Tea Party-controlled
state legislatures
and governors signing into law multiple bills that
attack women’s rights, families, and social safety net programs.

At the recent Democratic National Convention (DNC), First Lady Michelle
Obama and other speakers at the DNC’s Women’s Caucus meeting repeatedly
stressed the themes of equal pay for equal work, access to care,
discrimination, choice, and the power of the women's vote. With several
standing ovations and chants of "fired up, ready to go" and
"four more years," the Women's Caucus had the feeling of an old time
tent revival.

Although the First Lady was the featured speaker, several guest
speakers warmed up the audience of approximately 400 women (and a handful of

Video and more details after the jump.

Unable to attend President’s speech, Obama fans fill the streets of Charlotte (videos)

DNCcrowd7363sm72by Pamela Powers Hannley

Thousands of people crowded the sidewalks of Charlotte on the last night of the Democratic National Convention. Originally scheduled for the Bank of America Stadium, which holds 73,000 people, President Barack Obama's speech was moved indoors to the Time Warner Arena, a much smaller venue. The official reason for moving the venue was projected rainy weather, which had plagued the convention off and on all week.

Pundits are reporting that the venue was changed because Democrats could not fill the stadium, but hundreds– if not thousands– of people milled about on Charlotte's sidewalks or watched speeches at the outdoor MSNBC stage or inside bars, restaurants, and the convention center.

The street scene was carnival-like with dozens of vendors selling t-shirts, buttons, American flags, programs, and other Obama memorabilia. Although thousands of disappointed but amicable Obama fans, plus police, pedicabs, and a handful of protesters filled the area outside of the arena, the aura was peaceful and friendly, as it had been all week.

Watch videos of the street scenes in Charlotte, after the jump.

Code Pink To Dems: Stop Drone Warfare, Bust Up Big Banks


by Pamela Powers Hannley
I knew when I saw that hot pink bra on the sidewalk, I knew that Code Pink must be nearby. 
Code Pink, the women-initiated peace and social justice group, protested the War on Women at the Republican National Convention. Their message for President Barack Obama and Democrats targets the military-industrial complex.
At the People's Convention, sponsored by Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin spoke against war– particularly drone warfare– and called for Congress and the President to make dramatic cuts to the military budget.
Benjamin, author of Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control, is a highly vocal peace activist.
At the PDA event, she said that there are strong, powerful men like Arizona Senator John McCain, who are standing up against cuts to the military budget, which are scheduled to go into effect due to sequestration.
But where is the movement to protect Pel Grants, Medicaid, and other social programs? she asked. According to Benjamin, the US could cut the military budget by 80% and still have the largest military in the world.
"Slash the Pentagon and put that money into life-affirming activitieis, which is what the people on the planet need," Benjamin demanded.
Attacking the other sector of the military-industrial complex, Benjamin and other Code Pink protesters wore pink bras on the outside of their clothes and shouted "Bust up the banks" in front of Bank of America, which is headquartered in Charlotte, host city of the Democratic National Convention.
Video after the jump.

Undocumented protesters arrested outside of Democratic Convention

Undocubus image 1-sm72

by Pamela Powers Hannley

Ten undocumented protesters from Arizona were arrested late Tuesday afternoon outside of the Time Warner Arena in uptown Charlotte, as Democratic National Convention delegates watched.

Chanting in Spanish and English, the protesters– surrounded by media and conventioneers with smart phone cameras– quickly marched toward the arena where First Lady Michelle Obama was scheduled to speak.

As throngs of convention delegates bustled down the sidewalk, the small band of Latinos laid a large yellow mat decorated with butterflies in the middle of the intersection and sat in protest of US immigration policies. Just as quickly, they were surrounded by police on foot and on bicycles. Although it was difficult for passersby to see them, we could hear their stories and feel the passion. 

More details and video after the jump.