Arizona GQP Divides Along Class Lines Into Establishment Chamber Of Commerce Republicans And An Anti-Establishment MAGA/QAnon Cult

Jack Healy reports at the New York Times, Class Divisions Harden Into Battle Lines in Arizona’s Republican Primary (excerpt): The Aug. 2 Republican primary in Arizona has been cast as a party-defining contest between traditional Republicans and Trump loyalists, with the power to reshape a political battleground at the heart of fights over voting rights … Read more

The science is in: “Moderate” voters are a myth

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moderate def

Vox‘s Ezra Klein covered some interesting new research involving ideological stances of average voters.

What happens, explains David Broockman, a political scientist at the University of California at Berkeley, is that surveys mistake people with diverse political opinions for people with moderate political opinions. The way it works is that a pollster will ask people for their position on a wide range of issues: marijuana legalization, the war in Iraq, universal health care, gay marriage, taxes, climate change, and so on. The answers will then be coded as to whether they’re left or right. People who have a mix of answers on the left and the right average out to the middle — and so they’re labeled as moderate.

“”These people look like moderates but they’re actually quite extreme””

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