Arizona is on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe

During a live interview streamed on Facebook, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert in the U.S., said Monday that the U.S. is “still knee-deep in the first wave” of the COVID-19 pandemic. As COVID-19 Cases Surge, Fauci Says U.S. Is Still ‘Knee-Deep’ In First Wave. Fauci’s reference reminded me of Pete Seeger’s classic … Read more

Trump death cult surrenders to coronavirus, ‘Learn to live with it’

Our coronavirus denier president said last week that the virus is “getting under control.” “Some (places) were doing very well, and we thought they (the virus) may be gone and they flare up, and we’re putting out the fires.” “I think we are going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that, at some point, … Read more

Trump death cult: on the worst day of the pandemic, delusional Trump says it will ‘just disappear’

H/T Graphic: On the very day that “52,000 new cases were reported in the United States, the highest total since the start of the pandemic” and “record-shattering numbers of new cases were reported Wednesday in six states — California, Georgia, Texas, Alaska, North Carolina and Arizona” — in 45 states, seven-day averages of new … Read more

The ‘opened too soon’ economic relapse from the coronavirus resurgence

Elected officials were all warned by economists — serious economists, not those asshats in the White House Council of Economic Advisors — that opening up the economy too soon would result in a resurgence of the coronavirus spread, inevitably leading to the necessity of shutting down the economy again, a far worse result with more … Read more