Arizona Republicans Close Their Phoenix Headquarters as Biden/Harris Campaign Open New Offices

Photo From Axios

Talk about putting money where your mouth is…or in politics, the campaign offices in the battleground states you expect to compete and prevail in.

The Arizona Democratic Coordinated Campaign will be expanding its field operations with the openings of new offices in Nogales, Prescott, and Sierra Vista.

They already have offices in Phoenix and Maryvale.

The goal is to help transmit the message that the Biden/Harris Campaign and their allies down the ballot represent the best chance for continuing to lift people up and move the United States forward.

This latest operation expansion is one of a series of reported Arizona Democratic Coordinated Campaign organizing events that also include:

  • The Arizona Democratic Coordinated Campaign statewide staff is rapidly expanding, with 19 full-time staff, which will double by the end of April. 15 more full-time employees are contributing to the effort working for the Arizona Democratic Party.
  • Their first field office for the 2024 cycle was opened last year in Maryvale and we have continued to expand ever since. This weekend, they will be celebrating three coordinated office openings in Nogales, Prescott, and Sierra Vista, reaching eight offices by the end of March. The coordinated campaign expects more than ten offices statewide by the end of April.
  • Organizers and volunteers actively engage with communities, knocking on doors and collecting signatures. This includes both English and Spanish organizing.
  • The coordinated campaign is experiencing a surge in participation, with new volunteers around the state joining every week. We added more than 200 new volunteers in March.
  • The Biden-Harris campaign is matching the ground game with paid media—to date, the campaign has made our earliest investment in paid media in Arizona, including a new digital ad that includes footage from the Latinos con Biden-Harris launch with President Biden at El Portal in South Phoenix just last week.

These current and future developments, propelled in part by the massive fundraising machine apparatus of the Biden/Harris Campaign (which will get a further influx of about $25 million this evening after a New York event headlined by President Biden and former Presidents Obama and Clinton,) is in stark contrast to the MAGA-Republican campaign operation, whose primary purpose, rather than funding political races, is to bankroll Donald Trump’s various legal teams in Georgia, Florida, New York, and Washington D.C.

One result of the MAGA-Republican’s misplaced fundraising objectives, along with continued dysfunction among the Trumpists at the Arizona State Party, is the closure, after only nine months, of the Phoenix Party Headquarters on Central Avenue across from Park Central.

According to reporting from Axios Jeremy Duda, the party had difficulties filling the office space at the new headquarters and opted to sell rather than pay the 11,300 in HOA fees to occupy the space. There were also logistical concerns as volunteers could not get easy access to the facility.

Sean McEnerney, Arizona Democratic Coordinated Campaign Manager, commented on the positive impact of the Biden/Harris record for Arizonans and the chaos and reactionary policy prescriptions on the other side, stating:

“We’re meeting voters where they are to highlight President Biden’s successful record of lowering costs for working families and investing in our local communities— from expanding CHIPS manufacturing to expanding the I-10. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign has no staff or resources to defend his extreme agenda of banning abortion, killing jobs, undermining democracy, and pushing policies that would hurt working Arizona families.”

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7 thoughts on “Arizona Republicans Close Their Phoenix Headquarters as Biden/Harris Campaign Open New Offices”

  1. In a certain ideology, facts based on reality don’t matter as mush as assertions based on hypothetical, don’cha know?

    School vouchers are a good grift, not a good public policy.

  2. from the article:

    “Swoboda hopes to partner with the RNC”

    Good luck, since the RNC is now Trump’s legal defense piggybank.

  3. That last paragraph is nothing but lies. The average non brainwashed person knows it. Biden and his puppet masters are trying to destroy the country.

    • Hi Ed!

      In what way are they trying to destroy the country? Who? Show us some facts, por favor.

      And to what end? What would destroying America give Biden? And please show your work.

      For most people, we get up, go to work, come home, hang with the family, watch a little tube. Say our prayers, if that’s your thing.

      On weekends we catch a game, maybe go to church, if that’s your thing, spend time with friends.

      This happened to you during Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and now with Biden, I’ll bet.

      So tell us, Ed, how has your life been destroyed by Biden?

      Turn off Fox and OAN, and for that matter, CNN and MSNBC, they’re just propaganda rage farms trying to get you A: to keep watching and B: be angry so you keep watching.

      The left and right wing media gets paid a lot of money to keep us all angry with each other, but if you spent just a minute thinking it over, you’ll figure it out, you’re a smart fella.

      And FYI, the opposite of “woke” is “asleep”, ask yourself why they’d want you asleep.

      Thanks Ed!

      • In a certain ideology, facts based on reality don’t matter as mush as assertions based on hypothetical, don’cha know?

        School vouchers are a good grift, not a good public policy.

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