Today the Arizona Democratic Party, led by Chair Yolanda Bejarano, released a letter of endorsement for Kamala Harris for President of the United States. The letter is signed by every state party officer and every county chair in the state.
Every Arizona convention delegate should be aware of this document and its import. Though all delegates are legally free now that President Biden has withdrawn, both Joe Biden and the Arizona Party are united and unanimous in our support of Kamala Harris: delegates should hold themselves duty-bound to support the nominee endorsed by President Biden and our entire Arizona Democratic Party.
The party has thankfully come together rapidly and harmoniously to support our Vice President’s campaign for President now that Biden has stepped aside.
There will be bellyaching – mainly from the political media, who want to cover the disastrous spectacle of a Democratic Party in disarray and confusion – about the lack of a political process for selecting our party’s nominee. I deeply disagree with any such characterization: we had a series of presidential preference elections across the nation, including Arizona, that resulted in millions of Democratic voters expressing their support of the Biden/Harris ticket.
Those votes supporting Harris as Biden’s VP are the electoral process whereby millions of Democrats said very clearly that they wanted Kamala Harris to step up if Biden could no longer serve. That time has come, and that contingency has come to pass.
We are united and strong behind our presumptive nominee, Kamala Harris. We are not going to descend into faction and fracas to please the press and a few discontented nor are we going to endanger our path to the White House. The Democratic Party has NEVER elected a President following a contested convention in the past 100 years; we aren’t going to step into that swamp. Millions of Democratic voters have already democratically selected our second in this election, and it is now time for that second to step forward and serve our Party and our nation.
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The MORON crowd is trying every slur and oxymoron message including the kitchen sink, to see what will stick on KH with their suckers. The facts remain, their candidate is a proven serial liar, draft dodger, con artist, business fraud, tax fraud, and classified material thief. How can have rhe gall to mention immigration when both their candidates have immigrant family wives?
The great part is that, as they throw more crap against the wall to see what sticks, the wall is getting too thickly coated and splashing back at them.