Time to join Education Anonymous?

by David Safier

The NY Times has an article about $150 billion for education in the stimulus plan.

Frederick Hess, a conservative educator with the American Enterprise Institute, doesn't like the idea. School districts have to learn to live with less cash for schools, he says. If property tax revenues are down, schools need to do without. Here's his analogy.

“It’s like an alcoholic at the end of the night when the bars close, and the solution is to open the bar for another hour,” Mr. Hess said.

Yes, it's true, some of us are addicted to education. But I promise to go to Education Anonymous as soon as I hit bottom.

"Hi, my name is Dave, and I haven't learned a damn thing for 72 hours." ("Hi Dave." "Hi Dave.")

3 thoughts on “Time to join Education Anonymous?”

  1. Hi, my name is Curtis, and I am an education addict, but I am hoping to get dumber soon. It seems the smarter I get, the angrier I get at the legislature.

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