To All McCain Republicans in Arizona: Kari Lake Does Not Deserve Your Vote

There is a variation of a phrase out there about how to judge a person’s character:

“Unsure of a Person’s Character? Look at the Company They Keep.”

Truer words were never said about Trump Republican and Fringe-Gutter Politician Kari Lake.

Look at who she invites to her rallies and who she supports:

  • A twice impeached former President that instigated the January 6 Domestic Terrorist attack on the Nation’s Capitol (along with Secretary of State Nominee Mark Finchem) and has been endorsed two times by David Duke (Donald Trump.)
  • A convicted felon, indicted money launderer, and white nationalist (Steve Bannon.)
  • An assorted collection of Anti-Semites, Election Deniers, and Defund the F.B.I. individuals in Arizona and across the country.

Now, she is paling around with Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers. This is the same Wendy Rogers who has:

  • Said COVID Vaccinations are equivalent to receiving the Mark of the Beast.
  • Like Lake, takes endorsements from White Nationalist-Anti-Semites and espouses Anti-Jewish sentiments.
  • Made the list of the top bigoted extremists from the Anti-Defamation League.
  • Like Lake, denies the results of the 2020 Presidential Election.
  • Harassed one of her staff members in the State Senate.
  • Like Finchem, she is a member of the Oath Keepers.
  • Said the federal government orchestrates mass shootings like the one earlier this year in Buffalo.
  • Advocated the hanging of political enemies.
  • Expressed views supporting Vladimir Putin and against the government of Ukraine.
  • Said that we should bring back a form of McCarthyism.

Kari Lake, at an event earlier this week, said, after dismissing and belittling the late Senator John McCain and the people that supported his brand of Republicanism (calling them “losers,”) that the fringe white nationalist State Senator was a “winner” and continued with “she is the toughest woman I know. We have so many heroes just like Wendy.”

So, in Kari Lakes’ world view, a prisoner of war, renowned Senator, and the 2008 Presidential Nominee of her party and those who support him are “losers”

The science and election-denying State Senator who embraces Anti Semites, white nationalists, and Vladimir Putin is a “winner” and “a hero”

To all McCain Republicans in Arizona: Kari Lake does not deserve your vote.

Democratic Gubernatorial Nominee and Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs was quick to denounce the Lake embrace of Rogers and invited McCain Republicans to join her inclusive campaign, issuing a statement that read:

“Let me be clear — John McCain was a national hero and served our state diligently and honorably throughout his entire career in public service. Kari Lake continues to demonstrate she will only represent the extreme factions of her party, those who spew hate and conspiracy theories. While she and her allies continue to destroy and divide Arizona, I’m working with our broad coalition of supporters to defeat her chaos with sanity.”

McCain Republicans would not be alone if they signed up for the Hobbs team. Many mainstream Republicans are disenchanted with the direction Ms. Lake, Mr. Finchem, Mr. Hamadeh, Mr. Horne, Ms. Yee, and the other Trump extremists are taking the party that the late Senator nobly served in and have joined the Hobbs campaign. 

From the Katie Hobbs Campaign.

Katie Hobbs, unlike her unworthy opponent, will, as former President Barck Obama said, “get up every day looking for ways to help you.”

Please click here to view her plans for helping move the state forward and lifting people up. There is nothing radical in any of these plans. They are all mainstream and she has been traveling the state before and since her nomination on her Solution’s Can’t-Wait Tour, meeting with the people to discuss what she would work for if elected on November 8, 2022.

Also know that Secretary Hobbs will also work to help law enforcement, promote public safety, and protect the border, including, as she stated in the below interview with Horizon’s Ted Simons, completing the wall, where feasible and necessary.

McCain Republicans, like all Arizonans, have a choice to make on November 8, 2022.

Will they support the people that support the forces of political darkness, division, ignorance, bigotry, repression, and authoritarianism represented by people like Kari Lake, Wendy Rogers, Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Mark Finchem, Abe Hamadeh, Tom Horne, Kimberly Yee, and many of the other down-ballot Republican candidates?


Will they choose the candidates that will have shown they believe in inclusivity, science, law and order, public safety, and reality while also working to make your lives and communities better by protecting freedom, civil rights, and programs that will move the state forward and lift people up?

This should not be a tough choice.

Please remember to turn out on November 8, 2022, and vote for the candidates that will make your life and your neighbor’s lives and future better.

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