12 thoughts on “Tom Horne and the Arizona Board of Education Keep Deepening the Abyss of Potential ESA Fraud”

  1. Obviously, you are unaware that Hobbs contributed to the backlog problem, which put pressure on the state to reimburse faster, by signing a bill that required direct reimbursement instead of going through the contractor we used, Class Wallet.

    Then Hobbs required the “payment before checking procedure,” called risk-based auditing, when she signed another bill requiring it. That’s right. The practice she condems, she required to be done.

    ASRS 15-2402 sub B paragraph 4 says that the department, in consultation with the office of the auditor general, shall develop risk-based auditing procedures for audits conducted pursuant to this subsection.

    Risk-based auditing requires prioritizing audits, and that is what is being done. But in the end, all requests are checked.

    So Horne is complying with a law the governor signed. I think its apology time at BfA.

    • This comes back to the question you have not yet answered John. What are you and your colleagues at the legislature going to do to correct this rash of fraud that you and the legislature allowed to flourish with your welfare for the wealthy scheme? We are have been waiting for days.Oh and saying I will answer when I apologize is not going to cut it. Actually, come to think of it. You and the ones that voted for this fiscal mess are probably the ones that owe the tax payers of Arizona the apology for giving hard earned middle class and working class families taxpayer dollars to the rich who do not need the money to send their children to private school and the grifters who have fleeced the state coffers with ghost/phantom student accounts.

      • You will never answer because it would make you look clueless. Your excuse for not answering is so lame that I suspect that even your supporters cringe when you say it

        • @ Sen. Kavanagh –
          You have at least one thing in common with Tom Horne.
          You’re more interested in blaming others than in reining in ESA fraud..

          Maybe there should be a character education course for elected officials.

          • “You’re more interested in blaming others than in reining in ESA fraud..”

            Blaming others for their mistakes is a hallmark of the Party of Personal Responsibility.

          • Craig, that seems to be part of their MO. Promote garbage like unaccountable vouchers and when caught with their hands in the cookie jar loudly proclaim it was a mistake and Democrats are to blame. And the suckers eat it up!

        • I think blog readers are cringing at your responses. Question is still on the table John. What are you and your colleagues going to do at the legislative level to stop the fraud and abuse in the ESA program? What are you going to do to make sure the wealthy do not use it as a welfare for the rich program?

          • The grift is the point.

            Republicans like John Government Checks Kavanagh steal from the middle class and give to the wealthy.

            It’s from the Bible.

    • You’re right Johnny Boy, it’s apology time.

      We here at BfA sincerely apologize to our visitors for your being an insufferably malevolent twit.

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