Trump Abandons Arizona….Again

Today, Trump has canceled his visit to Arizona, marking the third time he has done so in the two years since he was last here. When Trump ditched Arizona two months ago, Copper Courier reported the Trump campaign was choosing between state visits because of increasing financial strain due to Trump’s legal suits. 

“If Trump wants to stay out of Arizona– by all means, be our guest,” said Arizona Democratic Party Chairwoman Yolanda Bejarano.

“If Trump wants to stay out of Arizona– by all means, be our guest,” said Arizona Democratic Party Chairwoman Yolanda Bejarano. “Every day, there are new federal trials and scandals for Trump and his MAGA extremists to clean up. Meanwhile, Democrats have been hard at work, launching canvasses and engaging voters across the state. Trump is showing Arizonans how little he cares to earn their vote, and that’s why Arizona voters will reject him in November.”

Trump quietly scrapped plans to visit Arizona this week, reportedly due to financial concerns. The decision to tighten his purse strings comes as the former president deals with a $454 million fine for committing fraud in New York, and is required to pay writer E. Jean Carroll $83 million for defaming her after she accused Trump of rape.

In stark contrast, President Biden has visited the state 3 times, talking about the issues that matter most to our voters– creating jobs, protecting abortion access, lowering the cost of healthcare.

President Joe Biden, in contrast, has visited Arizona three times in the past eight months, where he traveled to Coconino County and established a new national monument near the Grand Canyon, spoke at Arizona State University and announced federal funding for a McCain National Library, and spoke in Chandler about a massive investment into Arizona’s manufacturing industry.

“President Biden has visited our state several times to talk about the issues that matter most to our voters– creating jobs, protecting abortion access, lowering the cost of healthcare,” Arizona Democratic Party Chair Yolanda Bejarano told The Copper Courier. “While Trump and Arizona Republicans drain all their money on litigating election conspiracy theories.”

The ‘pay your bills’ candidate comes up short

Trump’s decision to forgo a visit to Arizona may also signal business owners’ waning patience with the former president’s aversion to paying bills. During his previous visits, Trump wasn’t billed for his use of venues and city services like on-site law enforcement until after his rally. As a result, his campaign left a trail of unpaid invoices from Tucson to Prescott totaling roughly $150,000.

While cities like Tucson, Phoenix and Mesa, are still awaiting payments, Prescott Valley eventually agreed to foot the $25,000 bill for his July 2022 visit. The pattern seems to have incentivized venues to ask for payment up-front, resulting in Trump abandoning the state altogether.

And if the finances of the Trump campaign and the Republican Party are any indication, a trip to Arizona anytime soon isn’t likely: the two have a combined $45 million in cash, less than half of Biden and the Democratic Party’s $97 million war chest.

“We are two weeks into the general election, and Donald Trump can’t raise money, is hiding at his country club, and is letting convicts and conspiracy theorists take over his campaign,” the Biden campaign said in a statement. “That is not a winning strategy.”

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12 thoughts on “Trump Abandons Arizona….Again”

  1. You dems are really getting desperate, if you have to resort to non-stories lIke this. By the way, do you still claim that Biden is not suffering from dementia after he stated that as vice-president during Covid, he helped Detroit. Even better was his claim at the Morehouse commencement that he had many Morehouse grads working at the White House, when a fact check found he had none. Of course Kamela used to have one but he left.

    I am hoping that Biden’s cognitive slide down slows until after the convention, so you do not replace him with Kamala. But wait, she has lower approval ratings than him.

    • This is coming from the man whose candidate claimed that Biden had given the order to assassinate him and posted on social media that he wanted a Unified Reich. Oh and he has been found liable, just this year for sexual assault and business fraud. Your guy is really healthy John.

    • Surely you havent used up ALL of the legislative session on your consistent obsessions. You havent put up 50-60 ballot questions yet, by one vote! Then there are your personal obsessions. 1. Surpressing voting, 2. Throwing every roadblock possible at citizen initiated legislation, 3. Trying to force LGBTQ people out of the State, 4. Government policing of reproduction, and 5. Making sure those poor oppressed rich people are getting more guvment money. That should be enough for one career, John.

  2. If this guy can’t stand the heat in the (see: his behavior at trial), I’m guessing that the heat of AZ summers will really bother him.

  3. With a welcoming committee of nutjobs Kelli Ward, Kari Lake, Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar you wouldn’t visit Arizona either.


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