Former Republican and Bulwark founder Sarah Longwell was concise and to the point with this social media post:
“In two weeks Trump has:
-Released the J6 prisoners who violently assaulted cops to overturn an election.
-Started a trade war with allies, but gave China a light touch.
-Turned over the entire government to the unelected billionaire who ruined this platform—including the Treasury payment system.
-Nominated the most unqualified cabinet in modern history, several of whom are actual national security risks.
-Blamed a horrific crash on DEI without any evidence.
-Added billions to his personal wealth by launching a scam crypto meme.
-Purged the FBI of anyone who worked the J6 investigations.
-Randomly wasted a bunch of water in CA and nearly flooded out farmers just so he could act like he was turning on water for the state.
What’d I miss?”
Actually, she missed a couple of items like Trump ICE-Gestapo officials rounding up innocent people and deporting them.
In recent reporting by NBC, 48 percent of the people who have been apprehended by ICE had no criminal records.
What gross incompetence. So much for prioritizing only the criminal illegal aliens.
In reporting from the Washington Post, a plane full of Colombian Immigrants had no criminals on board but they did have 20 children and two pregnant women.
Were these people a threat to National Security?
Were these people terrorizing local communities?
Were they bringing drugs like fentanyl across the border?
In Georgia, Trump’s Gestapo were waiting outside a local Church where they arrested a husband and father of three. They traced him through his ankle bracelet. Was he a criminal? No. He was an asylum seeker and wearing the ankle bracelet is a requirement to remain in the country.
Guess ICE was low on their daily quota and they decided to raid local churches to make up for the shortfall.
The news report that would be funny if it was not so tragic and demonstrated gross stupidity on the part of the Trump team was a report out of Milwaukee where a toddler, his mother, and his grandmother—all American citizens, were apprehended and taken to an immigration center because…wait for it…the government officials heard them speak in Spanish.
It seems in MAGA world, it is okay to release criminals who storm the Nations Capitol in Trump’s name while also using ICE Goose Stepping Black Shirts to kick out innocent people simply because of the color of their skin or the language they speak.
And it is not just ICE.
Trumps racist poison is making its way to college campuses.
For example, at Arizona State University, the local College Republicans United/MAGA White Nationalist Hitler Youth Chapter put out an announcement at a table event to report “their criminal classmates to ICE for deportations.”
The criminal classmates he is talking about are DACA recipients, otherwise known as Dreamers.
These young people are not criminals.
They even posted this on X:
In reporting by KJZZ, Isaiah Alvarado, the President of College Republicans United, worried that ICE was not doing enough, said assistance by organizations like his were necessary to reach Trump’s goals, musing that:
“We’re not even going to break a million deportations by the end of his (Trump’s) four years. That’s unacceptable.”
Talk about drinking the Trump-MAGA-White Nationalist Kool Aid. One wonders if Mr. Alvarado is aware that Trump was the one that killed a bipartisan border security measure last year, that Biden deported more illegal immigrants than Trump did in his first term, and MAGA Republicans have been the main obstructionists of Bipartisan Immigration Reform.
In a testament to the human spirit, 700-1000 protestors, organized by ASU Aliento, converged by Hayden Library on Friday to condemn this move by College Republicans United.

Angela Buer, a leading member of Arizona Legislative District 12 was there and offered her perspective:
“I was there at 9:00 am, about 100 people had gathered and it quickly compounded to upwards of 1000 people. The letter that went out from ASU Aliento was signed by over 5000 by the end of the march/rally. Everyone was really joyful in their unity. ASU Aliento had a poster-making session the day before and provided Aliento T-shirts for the attendees. I didn’t observe the ‘hate group’ who instigated this rally, but heard that their table was taken down and there were some lingering around the crowd. We walked from the Student Union to Herberger College and across campus in a loud, but very peaceful manner. There was no engagement, although there were a few disruptors filming on the sidelines. A couple of students came up to me to thank me as an alumni with my poster, and that nearly brought me to tears. As a professor/educator, it is really difficult to see so much fear in many students’ eyes when they are just there to learn. There were some moving speeches by Emily Sotelo Estrada, co-chair of ASU Aliento, and founder and CEO Reyna Montoya who led the crowd in chants and marches. I ran into Lorena (State Representative Lorena Austin) as we were leaving about 11:00 am.”
“I find the statement from ASU administratIon insufficient – While I understand the right to free speech, the university response to the hate group (who is linked with white supremacists) gives a ‘both sides are bad’ tone. I hope that last night’s protest showing at the Capitol will give them a clue as to how to handle this presence in schools. No student should be made to feel unsafe, and with FERPA requirements, no K-12 school, college, or university should be revealing records of any students – period.”
Arizona Senate and House Democrats also protested the allowing of this Goose Stepping activity at the states largest university, sending a letter to ASU’s leaders, demanding they put a stop to this Fascist behavior and take away the College Republican United’s Standing.
It is not free speech to encourage the mob to chase after innocent people.
This should not be like the Inquisition.
This should not be like the Salem Witchcraft Trials.
This should not be like the round up of Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and the Unfit that led up to the Holocaust.
This should not be like the Red Scare following World Wars One and Two.
This should not be like Islamophobia following 9/11.
We should have learned better by now.
Deporting criminals is one thing and should be done provided they are not allowed an opportunity to circle back to the country.
But going after the innocent just because they are different. Doing that is actually the criminal act. Again, we should have learned better by now. Do not let the Trump racist poison and big lies about illegal immigration take permanent root.
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