U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders coming to Tucson Festival of Books – updated

2/21/23 update: He’s back:

Author Spotlight: Bernie Sanders
We are excited to announce that Senator Bernie Sanders will be presenting on Sunday, March 5 at 4:00 p.m. in the Student Union North Ballroom along with his co-author John Nichols.

Bernie Sanders is serving his third term in the U.S. Senate and is the longest-serving Independent member of Congress in American history. His latest book is entitled “It’s Okay to be Angry About Capitalism.”

See the full author schedule here.

The Tucson Festival of Books has announced their March 4 & 5, 2023 author schedule and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I) is on their list, with his latest book.

“Bernie Sanders is serving his third term in the U.S. Senate and is the longest-serving Independent member of Congress in American history. He is the chairman of the Budget Committee, where he helped write the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. Sanders is leading the fight for Medicare for All, for combating climate change, and for making public colleges and universities tuition free. His latest book, “It’s Okay to be Angry About Capitalism,” was released last month.”

He’s not scheduled to speak as yet at the TFB, but stay tuned for date/time.  I’m sure he will draw a crowd, since he has run for U.S. President in 2016 and 2020.  I heard him speak at Reid Park during the 2016 campaign.

Here’s the TFB author presenting schedule to date: https://tucsonfestivalofbooks.org/?id=676. 

The Tucson Festival of Books is held annually during Spring Break on the University of Arizona mall, but took a hiatus during the covid pandemic.

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8 thoughts on “U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders coming to Tucson Festival of Books – updated”

  1. I tried to get a ticket to hear Bernie on Sunday at precisely 12 noon today when tickets opened for the general public, but they said they were already unavailable. The Friends/donors must have snatched them up last week. But they do set aside 25% of tickets in each venue for stand by and no-shows, so you could get in by waiting outside of the venue right after the previous talk.

  2. 2/21/23 update from TFB: He’s back!
    Author Spotlight: Bernie Sanders

    We are excited to announce that Senator Bernie Sanders will be presenting on Sunday, March 5 at 4:00 p.m. in the Student Union North Ballroom along with his co-author John Nichols.

    Bernie Sanders is serving his third term in the U.S. Senate and is the longest-serving Independent member of Congress in American history. His latest book is entitled “It’s Okay to be Angry About Capitalism.”

  3. Co-sign.

    I think that the image that goes with this article defines the first two years of Biden’s presidency. The Democrats were so hopeful that some long overdue policies were finally going to be legislated.

    Then along came Sinema. Shown here wearing hot pink eyeglasses, turquoise hair, and an animal print tank, totally fixated on her phone. Probably texting with some corporate lobbyist.

    Bernie’s in the background looking mighty weary.


    • This was a reply to “Bernie Would Have Won Sharpie aka Kitara Ravache January 19, 2023 at 7:47 am”

      • Boris Johnson once told a reporter he let his hair go flying because it distracted people from his unpopular ideas.

        Anyway, I think Sinema gives off more of an HR Pufnstuf vibe.

  4. Bernie has the correct ideas to fix government.

    Overturn Citizen’s United and reform campaign finance
    Pay a living wage
    Fix the gender pay gap, which would put more money into working families pockets
    Break up the banks (his plan is to let them figure out how, so settle down) because Too Big to Fail is a Danger to America
    Have parasitic billionaires and corporations pay their fair share in taxes (and support America)
    Single payer healthcare (cause being sick ain’t freedom)
    Support the New Green Deal (because “save the planet” is just bad marketing for “save people”)
    Support unions, because union’s built the American middle class
    End private prisons (they’re just evil)
    Strengthen Social Security
    Codify Roe
    Less guns = less dead children
    End the fake War on Drugs that’s broken up so many families
    Reform the cash bail system that’s broken up so many families and ruined the lives of so many low income people

    But good policy is boring!

    Instead, lets all talk about who wore what to Mar a Largo and Hunter Biden’s Johnson and the MTG-Boebert feud and that poor, poor wealthy ginger prince whose family we fought in a war 247 years ago to create this Great Country.

    And of course, Kanye.

    Because those things are sexy and sexy means ratings and sexy ratings keep Americans from paying attention to the boring things billionaires and corporations are doing to siphon off the wealth of the middle class.

    Sometimes I just comment freestyle and sometimes I proof-read, and today I proof-read my list of Bernie’s fixes and I got a little misty eyed over the America we should have.

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