Upcoming AHCCCS/Medicaid restoration actions

By Craig McDermott, cross-posted from Random Musings


First, learn about the governor's proposal at a training session on Thursday –

AHCCCS Training Session on The Governor’s Medicaid Coverage Plan

PURPOSE: The future of Medicaid is at a critical time. Support for the Governor’s Plan is needed to ensure that over 60,000 people do not lose coverage. Learn more about how YOU can help! 

DATE: Thursday, May 9, 2013; 6:00-7:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Disability Empowerment Center (DEC), 5025 E. Washington St., Suite 202, Phoenix, AZ 85034

RSVP to: Info@azahcccs.gov


-Become an expert on the Governor’s Medicaid Plan

-Learn how to write a Letter to the Editor

-Identify your elected officials and how to contact them

-Lead Civic Academies in your communities 

 Then take your newly-acquired knowledge to a rally at the State Capitol on Wednesday, May 15.

Medicaid Restoration Coalition is holding a rally to let legislators
know that there is a large amount of support for the governor's proposal
on the House lawn at 11 a.m.  Arrive early for good parking.  The best
spots in the parking lots of the Executive Tower and Wesley Bolin Plaza
will go quickly.


What: Rally for Restoration

When: 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 15

Where: House Lawn, Arizona State Capitol