Maricopa County Recorder Elections Office has learned that an insidious fraud is being perpetrated upon legal immigrants living in Arizona. Apparently, unscrupulous people are going through the telephone book and finding people with Hispanic surnames and are calling them up or visiting their homes and asking them if they are interested in becoming U.S. citizens. If they answer yes, or say that they have started the process, these victims are told that the first step to becoming a citizen is to register to vote.
Plainly, this is untrue. You cannot legally register to vote until you have become a U.S. citizen.
A large number of innocent people are believing this story and are providing all of the information needed to complete a registration form. There are also cases where the victim is never spoken to but the information entered into the registration form is taken just from the telephone book. Even with this incomplete information, the forms are completed anyway, often using false signatures, invented birth dates and drivers license numbers.
These faked forms are then turned to the Maricopa County Elections office. At this point, the names and addresses of these victims are put into the County’s system and then checked for validity, at which point the forms are rejected.
Here’s the evil part of the story: any person who begins the process of becoming a legal U.S. citizen must obtain from their County Recorder a letter that they have never attempted to register to vote and provide it ICE. If the recorder finds them in the system, they cannot provide that letter, which means that person will likely never become a U.S. citizen, and could be charged with a felony.
So even though these victims may be here with legal documents, because some unscrupulous person is trying to earn $4 or $6 for each registration they turn in, or is trying to create voter fraud where none exists, they are destroying someone’s dream of becoming a U.S. citizen.
Please pass the word on to anyone and everyone who may become a victim of this scam. If anyone receives such a call, please call your County Recorder’s office and your county Democratic Party headquarters immediately and report the person’s name and company so we can put an end to this abuse.
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Wow, this story must be really embarrassing for you Michael:
Having said that;
I think what Maricopa County is seeing is an OUTSIDE group of people trying to register as many hispanics as possible.
My advice is to take a look at what Presidential Candidate would benifit from more hispanic voters and are dealing in ways that cast suspicion on the other candidate.
The games are coming from either the Obama or Hillary(Our Girl) campaigns.
This tactic was done before by the Clintons to cast shadows!
One can go back and forth with anecdotals and history til we’re all blue in the face. What really matters is who is standing for reforms that make election fraud less likely, and who is resisting change and trying to make elections less accountable and transparent. The problem isn’t the will to commit fraud and to suppress the vote – that will always be with us – the problem is establishing voting systems that are resistant to tampering and fraud.
There is only one party that is even trying to do that: the Democratic Party. Trying to draw a moral equivalency between the GOP and the Dems on this issue is like saying the rapist and his victim are morally equivalent because they both engaged in sex.
Duke the Dog:
Having been a Pima County Deputy Registrar from 1966 when only appointed registrars could register voters until the Motor Voter Crap came into being under Clinton I saw it all.
Both Parties engage in games but the Democratic Party was notorious for this as they controlled the Pima County Registrars Office!
Let me tell you a story when I ran for Pima County Sheriff in 1968.
When the Ballots were being counted in precincts close in to the City of Tucson Sheriffs Deputies who paid then Pima County Sheriff Waldon V. Burr were returning ballot boxes from Ajo, Green Valley and towns outside the City of Tucson where Burr REFUSED to build Pima County Sheriffs Sub-stations as was my main campaign pledge.
The ballot boxes carried by those Deputies in Sheriffs cars were opened BEFORE they got to the Pima County Recorders Office to be counted!
I carried Rural Precincts as the corrupt Sheriff threatened , intimidated and offered BRIBES to me and my Campaign staff.
Mike I can hear you now saying no Democrat ever engaged in this Fraud but you need to talk to Paul Eckerstrom whose then Father-in-law was engaged in procecuting the Democratic Party and Waldon V. Burr for Ballot Box Tampering and election fraud; as the Sheriff went down in flames AFTER the Primary being Indicted on over 80 counts from a Pima County Grand Jury ; and the Pima County Board of Supervisors Chairman Tom Jay a good friend of mine offered me the job of Pima County Sheriff as was announced in BLACK HEADLINES on the front pages of the Star and Citizen!
The Pima County Democratic Party had some real players in the mob both locally and nationally with the F.B.I. doing all kinds of things I can not mention on this blog!
For Mike to say the Pima County Democratic Party and its candidates are free from corruption is laughable!
Look at Keating-Babbitt- Kemper Marley and Don Bowles just for starters.
If you really want to stand the Democratic Parties hair on end I can talk about the relationship between the DeConCini Family and The Bonano Family of which I am a personal friend of BOTH having been to dinner with them and they visiting my home for political events and appointments to State Boards.
It seem as if Mike is in a place where he can not see the forrest for the trees!
The GOP also doesn’t resurrect the dead from the grave to vote by absentee ballot, they don’t pay poor Americans with packs of cigarettes and booze to vote either.
Voter fraud is far more synonymous with the Dems (Joe Kennedy, Richard J. Daley) and the strange phenomenon that occurred during the 1960 Presidential election that gave John F. Kennedy the slimmest of victories over Nixon. As many remember, Chicago mayor at the time, Richard J. Daley strangely delivered a large number of votes from Chicago and surrounding Cook County. Only later was it discovered that many of those that cast absentee ballots were already in the cemetery at the time of the election.
There have been more recent cases, particularly in Washington State when officials “found” 111 “misplaced ballots that happened to be for Democrat Christine Gregoire while at the same time, erroneously rejecting 566 absentee ballots that just happened to be for her Republican opponent.
To make it even better, it was discovered that 900 convicted felons had voted illegally and 500 absentee ballots from Military voters were rejected because the arrived “too late.”
Hmmm, now what other state was it that the Democrats tried to suppress the military absentee ballots……
I see a lot of the pots calling the kettle black.
oh, I didn’t know the GOP had the exclusive rights to people trying to make a quick buck…
More than absurb Michael. Your are right.
Yes it could be all kinds of goblins, fairies, and centaurs too, but the GOP has a history of doing everything it can to make it more difficult to vote. There is also a history of these very tactics in other states by GOP operatives.
I was one of you once. The saddest thing I ever saw was that behind the scenes, the GOP knew very well that barriers to vote lowered turnout among democrats. The plan has always been to do whatever it takes to do so. IDs, under the false pretenses of stopping voter fraud, is one example.
I am ready for any argument anyone has to the contrary on the latter. I know from once being part of that party that voter fraud was of no concern whatsoever…but that IDS lowered Demo turnout and THAT was what it was all about.
Cleaning voter rolls regularly, challenging those at polling places, and out and out intimidation were other tactics.
Dog, it is absurd that Democrats would do this as part of an electoral strategy. The registrations DO NOT GO THROUGH! There are no new voters made with this rat fucking, only wrecked dreams of American citizenship.
One has to keep in mind the simple maxim of a skeptic: qui bono? The only people who benefit here are those who would make a few (and I do mean just a few) quick bucks at the expense of another’s life (how sick to do you have to be to ruin another person’s life for less than $5?), and those who wish to prevent these potential new citizens from ever becoming Americans who are able to vote… and will do so overwhelmingly for Democrats.
It’s funny how you quickly point the finger at Republicans. It could very well be that those doing this are unaware they’re screwing people over and are just trying to increase the voter roles. they could very well be democrats or as Mike mentioned, they could also be paid circulators for either party, out to make a quick buck for turning in a bunch of voter registration forms.
Purging the voter roles is necessary, particularly in a state with high population turnover.
Many people never voluntarily ask the county to remove their names when they move out of state, people die, people are convicted of felonies and yes, there is also fraud as mentioned above.
The county recorder’s job is to ensure the voter registration lists are as accurate as possible.
One could easily jump to the opposite conclusion that the Democrats are trying to stuff the roles with new Democrat voters. Since Bill Clinton did this very effectively before the 1996 election, with his wife running for the job, it’s totally plausible that there might be a secret Democrat plan to do it again in 2008.
if this is occurring, then they are not just targeting migrants, they are going after all people who have latino surnames by using that as their methodology. Either way, it’s disgusting. Do we have any corporate media reporters on this beat, yet?
Typical Republican BS tactics. Used all time…cleaning the rolls…false voter ID…etc. Whomever is behind is should be jailed…period.