8 thoughts on “Tom Horne Wants Cops, Not Counselors in AZ Schools”

  1. Well, everyone knows 376 armed cops at Uvalde kept the death count to 21 deaths and 17 hospitalized plus an unknown number of mentally wounded. If they had had 377 cops, the cowardly shooter would have surrendered without firing a shot. Where do these morons get these idiotic ideas. In Tex-ass, anyone over 21 can legally open carry without any training or permit. To quote
    Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia, “‘…harder for officers to differentiate a “good guy with a gun from a bad guy with a gun.’”

  2. It’s probably not going to be an issue in schools, but Horne will want to ensure any such police officers cannot enforce hit and run laws.

  3. Linda, don’t cloud his ignorance with facts. Unfortunately the current majority party in the legislature also doesn’t let research data cloud their preconceived “policy” assumptions. (Our policies are based on vapor, but we follow them religiously) It is highly unlikely Horne would lower himself to consult with a few school boards before dropping his ignorance on everyone in the entire State. To hell with any local discretion, or knowledge.

  4. Linda, thank you for still being in the fight. Tom Horne is an ass and stupid one at that. Here we had thought he disappeared from our lives. We need to think seriously about State-wide candidates running CLEAN. The results aren’t good, lately.

    • Thank you for the read Lee! And, for the great point about state-wide candidates running clean. Unfortunately, money seems to be a prerequisite for elections success these days.

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