Warren was not the Woman Candidate that could easily beat Trump; Klobuchar was

While many are, in the Washington Post columnist Stephen Stromberg’s words “mourning” the end of the Warren campaign, the female contender that should be receiving condolences for her stalled candidacy is Amy Klobuchar.

The Minnesota Senator was truly the Goldilocks Candidate.

She had the proposals that could pass Congress.

She had the experience in the Senate as a dealmaker.

She had the appeal to bring all the Midwest back into the Democratic camp.

She had the pragmatic temperament and positions that impressed observers in the Presidential Debates.

She had more newspaper endorsements than the Massachusetts Senator.

While Warren was coming in third in her home state on Super Tuesday, Klobuchar had effectively transferred her support to Joe Biden as he won Minnesota.

It is a shame, as Stromberg wrote, that Klobuchar had to contend with Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg for the pragmatic progressive lane.

To be fair, Warren had to share the liberal progressive one with Sanders.

It is also a shame Klobuchar was not given more time in the earlier debates to make a name for herself as she ceded time to candidates like Marianne Williamson, Tulsi Gabbard, and John Delaney should not have been on the stage.

She, not Warren, was the woman candidate that could have beaten Donald Trump in 2020 more easily.

She was the just right Presidential Candidate who, like the Democratic Governors who ran in this election cycle, never gained the proper traction she deserved.

Hopefully, whoever wins the Democratic Nomination, they will strongly consider Klobuchar for the Vice Presidency.

She has proven that she can be the President if the need arises.



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13 thoughts on “Warren was not the Woman Candidate that could easily beat Trump; Klobuchar was”

  1. This was a reply to Sharpie’s comment @March 9, 2020 at 12:15 that for some reason landed here.

    • And remember, a woman already beat Donald Trump.

  2. David, you haven’t taken everything into consideration. But how could you when it is all happening as we speak/write?

    The stock market is in free fall this AM. Down about 7% right now.

    Trump is on Twitter posting crazy stuff, crazier than usual. Here’s what he posted two hours ago:

    Donald J. Trump
    The Obama/Biden Administration is the most corrupt Administration in the history of our Country!
    4:40 AM · Mar 9, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

    It will get worse.

    • Here’s another one from this morning. Trump weighs in on Elizabeth Warren:

      Donald J. Trump
      Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
      4:30 AM · Mar 9, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

    • I always thought that it would take some kind of miracle for Trump to “serve” four years without causing or aiding/abetting a worldwide catastrophe. It’s looking at though it might get real.

      Robert Reich
      Every time Dems get back the White House they have to clean up Republican messes.

      Next January, the mess could be huge — a botched response to a pandemic, an economy in free-fall, a government nearly destroyed by cronyism and corruption, int’l institutions in disarray.
      9:35 PM · Mar 8, 2020·Twitter Web App

    • Stock market indices rose briefly but are back down more than 7%.

      Trump hasn’t tweeted for 3 hours. Maybe they gave him an injection.

      Joe “Nothing-Will-Fundamentally-Change” Biden is on track for another huge win in Michigan.

      God help us.

      • If it helps, @thetweetofgod says we’re a mass extinction event posing as a civilization.

        So based on that Twitter account, I don’t think he’s going to help us.

        It’s a very well done account that will cheer you up if you need that.

  3. Baloney. Elizabeth could have won. She was and is the best candidate and would eat the occupant’s lunch. Lunatics like Gabbard and Williamson should never have been allowed with less than 1%. Someday this country will grow up and elect a well qualified woman.

    • Hi Frances I did not say Warren could not have won. I wrote that Klobuchar, who has more experience as a dealmaker in the Senate would have had an easier time of defeating Trump. Take care.

      • Maybe the Dem Presidential nominee (Biden or Bernie?) may pick Senator Klobuchar as his VP running mate. Time will tell.

  4. I fell in love with Elizabeth Warren the first time I saw her, a brand new member of Obama’s team, grilling Wall Street bigshots summoned to Washington to explain how, in their greed, they had managed to wreck the economy. It wasn’t long after the crash of 2008 and the memory of the pain was still fresh.

    She wore her hair parted in the middle then, little makeup, fresh faced as a farm girl. The camera caught her…rosebud mouth and big blue eyes open wide with shock and indignation, like she’d just come upon the farmhand doing something unspeakable behnd the barn. I laughed out loud and thought…yes! at last! a woman with the courage to say exactly what she meant to the most powerful men in the country; a fighter for the likes of me and millions of others.

    Since then, she has never let us down. And yes, you doubters of both sexes, she would have made mincemeat of Trump on the debate stage and gone on to trounce him in the election. She should have been our first woman President. She’ll be fine; it’s our loss.

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