While Senate Republicans attempt to Ram through a Supreme Court Nominee, House Democrats work on COVID Relief for the People

Senate Republicans and their Trump Zone-Fox Island Allies in the White House are showing they do not have the right priorities for the American People.

First, they waited until the last moment in July to conduct negotiations with the Democrats on the latest COVID 19 relief bill.

Democrats in the House passed the Coronavirus Relief Heroes Act in May.

Then they could not agree among themselves on how much the Coronavirus aid measure should cost.

Then the White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows became involved and negotiations fell apart.

Mr. Trump signed Executive Orders that proved to be either too short term, ineffective, or not worth the paper it was written on (kind of like his recent order on Pre Existing Conditions.)

Senate Republicans finally unveiled their own ideas on COVID 19 relief but it catered too much to the frugal fringe right.

It went nowhere.

Senate Republicans and their Trump Zone-Fox Island allies in the White House, in a stunning demonstration of hypocrisy and a blatant power grab, have not taken the same timid approach with proceeding with the confirmation process for the successor to Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.

Make no mistake, this move to put the conservative anthesis to Ginsburg (Amy Coney Barrett, reportedly a brilliant jurist but too far to the right in legal philosophy) will hurt the American People given the prospects for rulings on:

  • Health Care like the pending hearing on the Affordable Care Act.
  • Women’s Rights, especially the right to choose.
  • Environmental Regulation
  • Voter Rights
  • Worker Rights
  • Civil Rights

Putting her on the court will probably set social progress and justice back generations.

Meanwhile, while Senate Republicans attempt to Ram through their ultra-right Back to the Past Supreme Court Nominee, House Democrats, and some Republicans, have been crafting another legislative proposal toward COVID Relief for the People.

House Democrats and their allies in the Senate have the right priorities for the American People.

The Problem Solvers Caucus Proposal attempts to bring both sides Together.

About two weeks ago, a group of centrist Democrats and Republicans (50 in all) including Arizona’s Congressional District One Representative Tom O’Halleran, composed a COVID 19 Relief plan.

There is a lot in its features to recommend it. The plan includes:

  • “Testing & Healthcare ($100B)
  • Direct Assistance to Individuals & Families ($316B)
  • Unemployment Assistance ($120B)
  • Small Business & Non-profit Support ($290B)
  • School & Child Care ($145B)
  • State & Local Aid ($500.3B)
  • Election Support ($400M)
  • Broadband, Agriculture, USPS, & Census ($52B)
  • Worker & Liability Protections
  • Automatic Boosters & Reducers”

It is also refreshing and welcoming to know that at least bipartisan good government legislation is possible.

Suzanne Hug, running for one of the Arizona State House seats in Legislative District 25, commented on the bipartisan measure:

“I support the Problem Solvers Caucus in its work to pass a bill to help Americans. The need for state funding and direct cash payments is critical. Every day without a bill is a disservice to Arizonans.”

Delina DiSanto, the Democratic Nominee for Arizona Congressional District Four wrote:

“The Problem Solvers Caucus tries to find bipartisan solutions and is trying hard to push forward a bill for much-needed COVID19 relief for struggling citizens, small businesses, and local government, as they are listening to their constituents. But the rest of the Republicans in the House are not listening to their constituents. If they are, then they have sold their soul to Trump, lobbyists, and large corporations. There is no compromise. And Mitch McConnell has his own agenda, he’s not working for Americans.”

Moving Forward

Both leading Democrats and Republicans were initially lukewarm towards the Problem Solvers Proposal.

Pelosi wanted a more expensive bill that encompassed more needed areas (like combatting Food Insecurity which she did some funding for in this week’s Budget Continuing Resolution.)

McConnell is more preoccupied with stacking the courts instead of caring about the American People.

The attitude changed on September 24, 2020, when Speaker Nancy Pelosi, because of both the stagnant economy and the concern for Moderate Democrats in swing districts, announced her pursuit of a new Coronavirus Relief bill that costs around $2.4 trillion.

She has been in contact with Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin.

The bill is being written and may be voted on next week.

Centrist Democrats are currently in disagreement on whether the bill should be passed along a strict party-line vote or support from both parties.

Democrats should not fight among themselves on COVID 19 relief legislation.

People are still out of work because of the pandemic.

Some of the people that have returned to work have done so at either reduced hours, wages, or both.

There are people waiting in car lines for hours to get food.

Small businesses need assistance.

The airline industry needs help.

States and cities need more aid.

So will schools and the health care sector as they need more resources to combat the spread of the Coronavirus.

Democrats should come together and pass a bill that meets the needs of the American People.

If it the Problem Solvers Caucus Bill, great.

If it is the new one that Nancy Pelosi has asked to be written by next week, wonderful.

Either way, there is going to be a need for more relief with whoever is President on January 20, 2021.

Remember it is most Republicans putting their fringe plutocratic conservative needs ahead of the American People.

It is the Democrats fighting for the people and the country while the other side continually endeavors to hurt them.

Democrats in the House should not lose sight of that and stop the bickering.

Please remember:

  • The General Election Day is on November 3. 2020. Please see the below graphic for all-important voting dates. 
  • Please check your voter registration at vote.
  • Register/sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in Arizona or any state that allows early or absentee balloting and mail. Arizona residents can sign up at vote
  • Arizona residents, mail your General Election ballot by October 27, 2020, for the November 3, 2020 election. With recent issues with the Post Office, you should consider mailing them out by October 23, 2020, if not earlier. 
  • Check-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
  • Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
  • If you can, support Clean Election Candidates with a small contribution.
  • Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates and vote for all the offices on the ballot.
  • Also, remember to research all the ballot initiatives, sign to get them on the ballot if you support the measure, and vote on them as well.












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11 thoughts on “While Senate Republicans attempt to Ram through a Supreme Court Nominee, House Democrats work on COVID Relief for the People”

  1. My hypothesis is bad actor mega donors, like the Koch brothers and their ilk, look for the most intellectually and morally vacant candidates. Using the most shameless propaganda they can find these donors have been extremely successful in getting those candidates into office to enact and enforce their whims. Not unlike Russian intelligence agencies with their MICE (Money, Ideology, Compromise, Ego) tactics to ensnare recruits. Oh, and it really helps that their candidates have being d*ckheads in their DNA.

    As we all know with this election: https://lolzombie.com/9436/steaks-higher/

    • “…bad actor mega donors, like the Koch brothers and their ilk, look for the most intellectually and morally vacant candidates.”

      Excellent hypothesis. And they certainly have a large pool of candidates from which to choose.

  2. I just watched a 2016 interview with Amy Coney Barrett where she was defending the GOP blocking Merrick Garland.

    Amy Coney Barrett is not an honorable person and will be an illegitimate justice. No honorable person would accept the nomination under these circumstances from this president.

    Republicans are without honor and not to be trusted.


    • Amen.

      Just saw this on Twitter…

      Louise Knott Ahern
      Ruth Bader Ginsburg is going to be replaced by a woman who walked through every door that Ginsburg opened for her so she can promptly use her position to shut them all for others behind her.
      4:14 PM · Sep 25, 2020·TweetDeck

        • Where in the blazing hell did all of this bad DNA come from?

          I can’t even comprehend it. I can’t comprehend what is happening to this country.

    • And another thing that I can’t think about for too long because it spikes my blood pressure…

      Killing the ACA is a check-a-box for Trump and he sees this as an opportunity to finally get it done.

      His obsession with Obama and trying to erase his legacy is the most perverse behavior we’ve ever seen in an American “president”. An absolutely insane and all consuming desire to obliterate the accomplishments of a predecessor.

      It is, at this point, impossible for me to put into words my hatred for Trump, my command of language just doesn’t extend to what I feel in my innermost being, my soul. And I can’t even say what I hate the most about him, but his attempts to systematically destroy Obama by destroying his legacy would be in my top five, for sure.

      • Chauncey Devega’s column today says we need to start calling Trump and his supporters out for what they are, evil.

        On Friday there were 55,000 new cases of COVID, and it’s been pointed out that means there were 55,000 people with a new pre-existing condition.

        Killing off the ACA and ending healthcare for millions of Americans is evil even when there’s not a deadly pandemic.

        Kidnapping and caging children is evil.

        Amy Coney Barrett is evil for being a willing participant in all of this.

        I can’t imagine another four years of Stephen Miller, the small dick energy behind Trump. Barr, Kushner? Another 4 year crime spree for both?

        I find I need to step away from doom scrolling and take news breaks more and more. Americans find a way to laugh about everything, but I am having issues finding anything to be clever about.

        COVID and the flu are going to make the coming months more of a nightmare, I think everyone pretty much agrees the right wing terrorirsts (mistakenly called militias) are going to be doing some murdering the week of the election.

        The next few months are going to be ugly and it’s all because of the American President? WTF? WTAF?

        It’s going to take decades to fix all the things Trump has broken.

        Right there with Liza. I remember 2015-2016, where we were arguing over Bernie and Warren Dems vs. Clinton and neo-liberalism.

        Worrying about the Dems being owned by corporations and Wall Street seems like a quaint old timey thing to do now.

        These people are doing evil things because they are evil.

        • Yeah, evil. To be sure. And despite ALL of this, we still have to be concerned that Trump could somehow “win” (steal) the election.

          It is the powerlessness that kills me. The powerlessness in the face of such evil.

          I haven’t felt anything like this since I was a kid growing up in the Jim Crow south. White kids always being told, “that’s just the way things are.” Can’t help those folks.

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