Who Is Ana Henderson? (video)

Pamela Powers Hannley & Ana Henderson Ven Diagram
When I won the August primary, one local reporter suggested that I won in large part because I am a woman– the implication being that women vote for women. In fact, the largest voting block– by far– among Democrats in LD9 is women. Since I am running against a woman and another Clean Elections candidate in the General Election, I created this handy Election Day ven diagram showing very clearly that Ana Henderson and I have very different stances on the issues. In particular, I want the women of LD9 to know where we both stand on women’s rights.

Matt Heinz, Brian Bickel, and I have something in common. We’re all running against Republican women who are running stealth campaigns and hiding their opinions from the voters.

Heinz is running for Congressional District 2 against Congresswoman Martha McSally who is infamous for dodging questions and debates. Bickel is running for Pima County Supervisor against incumbent Ally Miller, who refused to be interviewed by the Arizona Daily Star (and other media outlets) for their candidate series. For the LD9 seat, I am running against Tea Party candidate Ana Henderson who is hoping that $5500 worth of giant signs featuring her and her dog (but not her party affiliation or any detauls about her) will convince voters to back her.

If my website stats are any indication, voters want to know where candidates stand on the issues. Leading up to primary voting day on August 30, my website stats were booming, and the page visitors went to most often– after the home page– was the Issues tab. (Inquiring minds want to know.)

Unfortunately, Henderson didn’t answer AZCentral’s candidate questionnaire this summer, didn’t show up to the LD9 interview with the Arizona Daily Star a few weeks ago, and didn’t attend the Pima County Interfaith Council (PCIC) candidate forum this past Sunday. More than 500 people — most representing local churches or charitable organizations like the Community Food Bank and Literacy Connects– attended the PCIC event hoping to hear multiple candidates speak about public education, hunger, and drugs.  Now the question is: Will Henderson show up for the LD9 Clean Elections Debate on October 14 or pay the no-show fine?

There is very little information about Henderson on the Internet, and there have been no public forums where she has appeared with the two Democratic Party candidates– Rep. Randy Friese and me. Along with Miller, McSally and most other local Republican candidates, Henderson also won’t tell the voters who she is voting for for President of the US. (That is a big deal. It’s time to come out.)

Henderson’s website includes little information on her viewpoints or about her life beyond being a Tucson native. In fact, two of Henderson’s big issues– her anti-choice stance on women’s reproductive health and her pro-choice stance on firearm proliferation– are completely missing from her website. What’s up with that? Early ballots go out next week and Election Day is a month away. It’s time to tell the voters where you stand.

So, what do we know about Henderson? She is active in 4Tucson and is a board member of Heirs of the Republic. From her website, we find out that she likes school vouchers, wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, stands against immigration reform and “amnesty”, and thinks that more trickle down economics and a business friendly attitude will fix Arizona’s economy. If you add in the two missing issues — her anti-abortion and pro-gun stances— it is clear that Henderson is running on a classic Tea Party platform. (Ironically, she likes to ding LD9’s Democratic representatives for “partisan behavior” and for following orders from the national party– when her stances are straight out of the ALEC playbook.)

ALEC is not the face of LD9.

LD9 is not a Tea Party district.

Hold the line, Tucson!

October 10 is the last day to register to vote. Early ballots go out in a week. VOTE– and tell you friends to vote.

Don’t forget the LD9 debate on Friday, October 14. Audience members can submit questions.

#VoteBlue #VoteProgressive #PowersForThePeople #DumpTheTeaParty #StopTeaPartyWaste #WhereDoesAnaStand

Cross posted from PowersForThePeople.net.

Candidates and UA pre-law students after the forum.

October 6 UPDATE: Last night the University of Arizona pre-law fraternity hosted a candidate forum at the UA Law School. Democratic and Republican candidates from CD2, LD9. LD10 and LD2 participated. Unfortunately, again, McSally and Henderson were no-shows. That makes three candidate events where Henderson was invited and didn’t attend. What is she hiding?

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1 thought on “Who Is Ana Henderson? (video)”

  1. And here I am with the complete opposite problem – trying to get media who aren’t too cowardly to interview me about the LD3 race. Seems the Daily Star’s tactic is ‘suppress, deny, and ignore’ any coverage of the race out in West Tucson.

    Good luck next Friday; will try to be there in support.

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