With Billboards and Testimonials on Social Media, Republican Voters Against Trump Go on the Offense

Check out the above billboards being displayed in battleground states.

Or watch some of these testimonials from people who had voted for Donald ‘Convicted Felon 34 Times Over’ Trump but are now withholding their support either because of his vows for retribution after his convictions last week, his mishandling of classified documents, or because he committed treason when he enabled an attempted coup with his MAGA loving domestic terrorist-insurgents at the Nation’s Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The putting up of these billboards and the publishing of these testimonials are the work of Republican Voters Against Trump, a group, like the Lincoln Project, are comprised of disillusioned center-right Republicans who have left their former party due to the excesses of Mr. ‘I want to be dictator for a day’ and the MAGA movement he spawned.

Talking to Nichole Wallace on Deadline White House yesterday, the Republican Voters Against Trump leader, Sarah Longwell said her organization’s purpose was to:

We want to make sure that the convict stuff sticks. We have our two time Trump voters, our former Trump voters. They are our messengers at Republican Voters Against Trump. So we put billboards up with the faces of a lot of these former Trump voters, saying “I voted for Trump before but I’m not going to vote for a convicted felon” because that’s a message we want to drive home...Let me just tell you about (going on) offense. Offense requires tons of surrogates. This isn’t just Joe Biden’s job. This is the entire Democratic Party’s job. Democratic voters job. This is what everyone needs to be doing in this moment so no American misses what’s happening right now.”

Amen sister. Amen.

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