With Traitor and Convicted Trump’s Return to the Scene of One of His Other Crimes on January 6, 2021, the Biden/Harris Campaign Releases a New Ad Called “Burn”

From NY 1

The Republicans in Congress, with no decency whatsoever, have really displayed gall and nerve by, in an apparent bid to make their base happy, inviting Traitor and 34 Time Convicted Donald Trump to the scene of one of his other crimes, the Nation’s Capitol, where he enabled his MAGA supporters to storm Congress in a domestic terrorist-insurrectionist attack on January 6, 2021.

Perhaps the members of the former Party of Lincoln are also counting on a recent poll from the New York Times that shows only five percent of those asked associate Mr. ‘I want a United Reich’ with what happened on January 6, 2021.

It does make one wonder who they get to respond to these polls. It is hard to fathom that 95 percent of the country does not remember what Donald Trump tried to do to the country that day while he stayed in the White House dining room watching the horrific attack on Congress, launched in his name by his followers, on television for several hours in apparent glee.

Never fear.

The Biden/Harris Campaign, in anticipation of the twice impeached former occupant of the White House’s visit, released an ad, reminding people of what Donald Trump and his followers did on January 6 and how the person who killed Roe v Wade and wants to be dictator for a day plans to reward them if he is reelected.

Called “Burn,” the ad with video of the attack on January 6 in the background, goes like this:

NARRATOR: On January 6, Donald Trump lit a fire in this country.

REPORTER: One hundred and forty officers were injured. The siege lasted for seven hours.

NARRATOR: Stoking the flames of division and hate. Now he’s pouring gasoline.

TRUMP: “They were unbelievable patriots.”

NARRATOR: Pledging to pardon the extremists who tried to overthrow our government.

TRUMP: “We will give them pardons.”

NARRATOR: Inciting them to try again. There is nothing more sacred than our democracy. But Donald Trump is ready to burn it all down.

In a statement released by the Biden/Harris Campaign, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose husband was attacked in their home by a deranged Trumpets supporter, wrote:

“Today, the instigator of an insurrection is returning to the scene of the crime. January 6th was a crime against the Capitol, that saw Nazi and Confederate flags flying under the dome that Lincoln built. It was a crime against the Constitution and its peaceful transfer of power, in a desperate attempt to cling to power. And it was a crime against Members, heroic police officers and staff, that resulted in death, injury and trauma that endure to this day. With his pledges to be a dictator on day one and seek revenge against his political opponents, Donald Trump comes to Capitol Hill today with the same mission of dismantling our democracy. But make no mistake — Trump has already cemented his legacy of shame in our hallowed halls.”

Nancy Pelosi has not forgotten what Donald Trump did on January 6, 2021.

Neither has Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


Remember what happened on January 6, 2021 when you vote on November 5, 2024.

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