You go Nancy and Joe

Last week, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Joe Biden showed Democrats how to push back against Republican Talking… lies and disinformation.

First, the Speaker, in a response to Sinclair journalist James Rosen’s question (and popular Republican ) about whether she hated Donald Trump, strongly defended herself and her decision to launch the impeachment inquiry.

The Speaker stated that:

“This is about the Constitution of the United States and the facts that lead to the president’s violation of his oath of office. As a Catholic, I resent your using the word ‘hate’ in a sentence that addresses me. I don’t hate anyone…..So don’t mess with me.”

Later in the day, while campaigning in Iowa. Joe Biden forcefully defended himself and his son when a person at a townhall accused the former Vice President of putting his child in a position to gain access and influence White House Policy.

After the person accused Biden of “selling access to the President,” the former Vice President called the questioner “A damn liar and that’s not true, no ones ever said that and no ones ever proved that….my son hasn’t done anything wrong and I did not on any occasion….”

The day before the Biden campaign, in response to Mr. Trump sulking out of the N.A.T.O. Summit after finding leaders joke about him on vide, put out an ad that effectively showcased the Administrations’s foreign policy shortcomings.


While the former Vice President may have gone a little overboard with the questioner challenging him to a pushup and IQ test, his and Pelosi’s reactions are the way to combat Republican fecal matter.

Voters respect public servants that fight for what they believe in. While facts are important, it is also crucial to see officeholders passionately and accurately champion their positions and proposals.

They do not generally approve of candidates that do not defend their views or what they want to do.

That is why it is important for Democrats, especially in swing districts, to defend their support for the Impeachment process. It is good that they tell voters what legislation they are working on but it is also vital that they follow Nancy and Joe’s example in countering the Republican ad blitz and defend that they are doing their constitutional duty in holding individual One to account.

This is the case where the “best defense is a good offense.”

Featured Image from The New York Post.

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