Zona Politics LD9 Interviews: There’s a Progressive in the House (video)

Pamela Powers Hannley on Zona Politics
Pamela Powers Hannley, Progressive Democrat and Clean Elections Candidate for LD9

Primary races are good for the Democratic Party because they allow different opinions to be heard. Last night while watching the Democratic National Convention (DNC), the value of the Clinton vs Sanders primary was evident. As a progressive, I heartened to hear Senator Bernie Sanders say that the two camps came together on the platform and came to agreement regarding debt-free college, busting up the banks, making society more equitable, ending Citizens United, and other populist agenda items. (They also added the Equal Rights Amendment – ERA – to the platform, but no one mentioned it.)

Mission accomplished, Bernie. Thanks for your service to the 99%. Bernie pushed Hillary and other establishment Democrats to the left and opened their eyes to the inequities of our current economic policies which offer largesse for the 1% and austerity for the 99%. They balance tax cuts and giveaways for big corporations with budget cuts, layoffs and tax increases for the rest of us– Robin Hood in Reverse.

I am by far the most progressive candidate running in Tucson and the only Tucson Democrat running clean. I have often quip that I am the Bernie Sanders of Tucson– with Hillary Clinton’s gender issues. I am pushing the local political discussion out of the safety zone of politics as usual and toward a more progressive direction– particularly in the areas of economic reformwages, and money in politics.

Back in September 2015, when I started campaigning, no one else was talking about the $4 billion in unaffordable corporate tax cuts, $400 million in tax credits (half of which go to private businesses), $312 million in interest on our debt to Wall Street, or God knows how many millions in unnecessary lawsuits. And no one else was talking about income inequality or the living wage.

The LD9 candidates have had three match-ups now– the Clean Elections debate, the Nucleus Club Forum, and Zona Politics. Below is the Zona Politics show from July 24, 2016.

Listen to the answers. You’ll hear little progressive hints from the other two, and you’ll learn where we stand on the issues. The Zona show is the only venue where we were all asked about gun control, marijuana legalization, raising the minimum wage, and Planned Parenthood funding, among other things. There are differences between the three of us; it’s worth the 30 minutes. (My segment is around 19:49.)

Cross-posted from PowersForThePeople.net

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2 thoughts on “Zona Politics LD9 Interviews: There’s a Progressive in the House (video)”

  1. good luck to you I know how tough it is as I have run for office. ask dr. eric myers for advice he is one of my least favorite democrats as he promotes photo radar but he can show you how it is done.

  2. Best wishes with your campaign and I support your platform. Unfortunately, I live in another legislative district. I voted for our current democratic representative and since then, have heard nothing from her, and she is unable to even maintain a netsite.
    That is something the local democratic party as a whole should not allow to happen and clearly shows that the party, despite labeling itself as progressive is really still creaking along. We could be far more powerful, far more popular if we moved forward into the 21st century and had a committee or working group and made sure that ALL democratic representatives had a functional and aggressive presence on the internet. Hope you win the election.

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