Jesse Kelly Psychotically Dodging Questions On ALIPAC Endorsement

By Michael Bryan

This story has already been picked up nationally by the Maddow Blog, and I expect it will air on the Rachel Maddow Show. Locally, Jim Nintzel posted on it at The Range Blog. Rachel recently did a segment on idiot Congresscritter Mike Coffman who was caught by a reporter mindlessly mouthing his apology mantra – for saying that Obama is not an American in his heart – over and over verbatim, like an idiot parrot.

Apparently, when there is something a GOPer REALLY doesn't want to talk about, their press flacks are telling them to go into idiot parrot mode.

Meet Jesse Kelly when confronted by a KGUN 9 reporter with a question over his endorsement by ALIPAC:

It would be simply unjust if someone didn't make an ad out of this insipidity. I find it especially illuminating that the conserva-biddys behind Kelly think his routine is the height of wit.

2 thoughts on “Jesse Kelly Psychotically Dodging Questions On ALIPAC Endorsement”

  1. Ron Barber tried to dodge the question about his support of President Obama and had to be shamed into “admitting” it. That is a disgrace.

    Really, are we so desperate to elect any Democrat that you’re just avoiding the issue of how Barber is running away from Obama? Is that the kind of Democratic congressman you want? You may ridicule Green Party candidate Charlie Manolakis but he didn’t have to be browbeaten to say that he will be voting for President Obama’s reelection.

  2. The Kelly supporters in the background are the Saddlebrooke teabagger contingent that dogged the AIRC redistricting hearings last year. One is Lynne St. Angelo who gave some of the most comical testimony I have ever heard including an SNL Emily Litella “never mind” moment. One whose name I do not recall at the moment identified herself as being with “Smart Girl Politics,” a conservative group whose name is something of an oxymoron once you hear its members speak. Their hostile nastiness at AIRC hearings helps to explain their laughing at Kelly’s continuing refusal to answer honestly to members of the press. It demonstrates that the Extreme Makeover Jesse Kelly 2.0 is a fraud. He is every bit the radical extremist teabagger he was in 2010, or the Saddlebrooke teabagger contingent behind him would not be supporting him and laughing about how gullible the media villagers are.

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