Arizonan Reaction to Trump’s Second War on Science
Welcome to the 2025 version of the Dark Ages. Donald Trump, the person who during his first term in the Oval Office issued preposterous statements that windmills cause cancer and injecting bleach in your arms could ward off the Coronavirus, has launched a second war on science in the first three weeks of his return … Read more

Governor Katie Hobbs and Leading Arizona Democrats React to MAGA Republicans’ Latest Drive to Suppress the Vote
It is the same Anti Democratic tune from the Arizona MAGA Republicans. For some reason, after sending voter suppression legislation last year to meet up with Governor Katie Hobbs’s veto pen, they think Arizonans will like the same political musical flop again and are attempting to move similar disenfranchisement legislation (SB1011, SB1152, and HB 2703,) … Read more

11 Years blogging at B4AZ
Well, it’s now 11 years since I started blogging here at Blog for Arizona. Most of us don’t care about the current political situation with the return of Republican President Donald Trump. It’s going to be a challenging four years or more. Stay tuned for a lot of push back from the Democrats across the … Read more

Harrison Ford’s Very Inspiring Super Bowl Commercial for Jeep: Democrats Should Take Notes
Please watch the Super Bowl Commercial Harrison Ford did for Jeep. The viewer can decide for her or himself if there are hidden messages in the piece but some items to point out and quotes to cite. Among Ford’s notable quotes are: Democrats would do well to take notes from this commercial when they develop … Read more

Some Good News: Mayor Kate Gallego and Phoenix City Council Deliver on their Housing Plan Goals…Five Years Earlier Than Projected
In 2019, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and the then Phoenix Council unveiled, of the COVID 19 Pandemic and Recession that dominated in 2020, the Housing Phoenix Plan that was designed to create or preserve 50,000 housing units by 2030. Fast forward five years and Gallego and the current Phoenix City Council announced that the 50,000 … Read more