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Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens to retire… let the buffoonery begin

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: It's going to be another long, hot summer of buffoonery from conservatives. Conservatives believe that Republican presidents are "entitled" to their nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, no questions asked. Conservatives correspondingly believe that Democratic presidents must seek the approval of Republican senators in nominating a justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, … Read more

Melvin wants to resurrect Minutemen on state’s dime

David Safier

by David Safier Al Melvin proclaimed himself a "proud Minuteman" during his unsuccessful 2006 run for LD-26 Senate, then decided to play the moderate to get elected.Now that he's in the Senate and the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps is history, Melvin has written what the Phoenix New Times calls a "hastily-drafted provision" to set up … Read more

Will Arizona’s prima donna Sheriff Joe Arpaio run for governor?

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: Aging media darling and prima donna Sheriff Joe Arpaio is tantalizing the chattering class with hints that he is exploring a run for governor. Both the Arizona Guardian (subscription required) and the Arizona Republic report that crazy Uncle Joe is price comparison shopping for a company that uses paid petition circulators to … Read more — education edition

David Safier

by David SafierFor those of you in the classroom who are looking for a resource to keep up with what's fact and what's fiction on a day-to-day basis, has launched a new website haven't looked through it myself, so this is information for educators, not an endorsement.Both sites are projects of the Annenberg … Read more

G.I. looking for Philanthropy Officer: to bring money in, not give it out

David Safier

by David SafierGoldwater Institute does few things as well as turning the meaning of words inside out.Prime example: Matthew Ladner's contention that Bus drivers are Bureaucrats.That one is infuriating at the same time it's amusing. But this one is just funny.G.I. posted a job opening for a Philanthropy Officer.To figure out good ways to give … Read more

The legislative scorecard to date

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: The Arizona Capitol Times has a brief rundown of the legislative scorecard to date. Brewer signs 22 bills into law, vetoes one: After the first 87 days of the 2010 legislative session, 61 bills had made it to the governor’s desk for a final up-or-down decision. So far, she has signed 22 … Read more

Ed Supe candidate Huppenthal: And by public education, I mean private education.

David Safier

by David SafierOur latest Floridation of Arizona Education move is to create a constitutionally sanctioned voucher system. Florida had one. The students in private schools performed no better than those is public schools. And it was ruled unconstitutional and tossed out. But never mind details. We need one too.Huppenthal wants to import the voucher system … Read more

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