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The legislative scorecard to date

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: The Arizona Capitol Times has a brief rundown of the legislative scorecard to date. Brewer signs 22 bills into law, vetoes one: After the first 87 days of the 2010 legislative session, 61 bills had made it to the governor’s desk for a final up-or-down decision. So far, she has signed 22 … Read more

Ed Supe candidate Huppenthal: And by public education, I mean private education.

David Safier

by David SafierOur latest Floridation of Arizona Education move is to create a constitutionally sanctioned voucher system. Florida had one. The students in private schools performed no better than those is public schools. And it was ruled unconstitutional and tossed out. But never mind details. We need one too.Huppenthal wants to import the voucher system … Read more

Meet the billionaire brothers who bankroll the radical right

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: I read a discussion of the Koch brothers to posts David Safier posted recently. You may find this Progress Report from Think Progress in December most useful to your understanding. Radical Right — The Billionaires Behind The Hate: Billionaire brothers David (right) and Charles Koch (below left) are the wealthiest, and perhaps … Read more

GOP Taliban advances its assault on the Voter Protection Act

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: The Capitol Times reports that Senate panel OKs bill to temporarily end voter-protection of spending: A Senate panel April 6 advanced a bill that would give lawmakers more flexibility on spending, regardless of whether voters intended the money to be spent on specific programs. HCR2039, a ballot measure that would go before … Read more

GOP Taliban attacks Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association for daring to “tax the rich” for health care

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: GOP Taliban lawmakers angry at a proposed ballot initiative backed by the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association that would raise taxes for the wealthiest residents to pay for some health care programs retaliated by proposing to instead tax hospitals and other healthcare providers. The GOP Taliban proposal by Sen. Carolyn Allen, R-Scottsdale … Read more

You mean some states are raising taxes?

David Safier

by David SafierNot only are some states raising taxes to cope with their budget shortfalls, but their legislatures have the courage to vote for the increased taxes themselves instead of asking voters to make the tough decisions for them while cutting taxes for their corporate sugar daddies.Since the economic meltdown in late 2008, most states … Read more

Brewer/G.I. make Talking Points Memo

David Safier

by David SafierYou gotta say, Arizona is developing a larger national reputation. We're no longer known only for our two craggy old monuments — the Grand Canyon and John McCain.Nope. We're making headlines for being the Deadbeat Dad State — no child support — and for our worst-in-the-nation deficits. Yesterday, we made my favorite national … Read more

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