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Coyote Carnival

Michael Bryan

The Coyote Carnival is coming again at the begining of April. The Coyote Carnival is an guest-edited compilation of the best of Arizona’s many blogs. The mission of the Coyote is to help popularize the many great blogs produced by Arizona’s people. This month’s editor is Arizona journalist Temple Stark, who blogs at and … Read more

Frame Shop: Swinging Independents and Republicans to Voting Democratic

Michael Bryan

President Jimmy Carter recomended a series of questions for those who aren’t sure how they should vote. I found these immensely well stated. You really do have to eliminate the clutter and rhetoric of the Right and pose stark contrasting values to make the choice abundantly clear: Daily Kos: Questions and Answers. "I had lunch … Read more

Un Gigante Despierta

Michael Bryan

Link: Largest Protest Ever in Los Angeles. Link: Biggest Protests in Chicago History. The GOP’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy proposals may be awakening a sleeping giant of the American electorate. Latinos have consistently been less engaged in politics than average, as measured by voter registration and turn-out. The GOP’s punative proposals for immigration, such as … Read more

Conservatism and Deficit Spending

Michael Bryan

Lobotomybob It seems to me that many conservatives lack the part of their brain responsible for irony. Perhaps without it, hypocrisy is inevitable. I ran across a rich example of this over at EspressoPundit (this is just a little dated – I don’t get over there too often):

Congratulations to David Schweikert for telling it like it is

Maricopa County Treasurer David Schweikert says unequivocally, "If the election passes, homeowners will pay more property taxes."

"It’s just that simple," he said. "I think it’s unfair for people who are making economic decisions not to tell the story in a truthful manner. The discussion needs to be about spending."

I guess that answers John Dougherty’s question.

Do you believe bond proponents’ pitch trumpeted by Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon that the bonds can be sold "with no new taxes"?

Or do you think it’s impossible to go that deeply into debt without someone, somewhere, getting stuck with the bill — which almost always means higher taxes?

These bond issues will probably pass…maybe overwhelmingly; the Champagne will flow, ASU will build a campus downtown…but the tactics of the supporters will not be forgotten.

Doesn’t this seem to have application on a somewhat larger scale to you? Say perhaps all those Treasury Bonds that the GOP is printing so furiously to create an expected 400 billion dollar deficit in 2006 and whopping 8.3 trillion dollar – and growing – public debt? Don’t you think it’s impossible to go that deeply into debt without someone, somewhere, getting stuck with the bill — which almost always means higher taxes?

Coming Attractions

Michael Bryan

On Sunday I am interviewing Alex Rodriguez (Note: WMV on front page), who is running for the Democratic nomination in CD8. The transcript of the interview and my impressions of the candidate will probably be online 7-10 days following. I’m considering gathering some ideas to provide more entertainment/information for Drinking Liberally meetings and possibly taking … Read more

Friday Dog Blogging: Bottie

Michael Bryan

While he looks dead, he’s really just about as relaxed as a dog can get. Sound asleep on his back in his crate, little Bottie is settling in just fine. Bottie is our latest foster dog through Desert Labrador Retreiver Rescue. He’s just over 6 months old, so he’s still really just a puppy, though … Read more

GOP Goes Downtown on Fighting Russ Feingold

Michael Bryan

The GOP is going after Fighting Russ Feingold with their newest radio ad. They aren’t even trying to hide their involvement behind a cut-out, like the SBVFT, this time. Apparently, the tenor of political discourse in America is now such that a politician can be accused of pro-terrorist leanings for standing up for Americans’ civil … Read more

Bellum Interruptus in Iraq?

Michael Bryan

George Tuttle posted an interesting group of quotes from Gabby Giffords on the Iraq war on his blog: Stand up and be counted: Will the real Gabrielle Giffords please stand up?. His conclusion is that Gabby has been inconstant in her view of what is to be done about Iraq. I actually don’t agree. If … Read more

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