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Good-bye to All That

Michael Bryan

The American Conservative: Good-bye to All That. I seldom simply recommend an article on my blog. That I’m doing so should be taken as evidence that this essay by Austin Bramwell, formerly a trustee of the conservative mouthpiece National Review, totally blew my hair back. A few intellectually honest conservatives have recently begun attempts to … Read more

DFA Tucson Iraq War Forum Dec. 6th

Michael Bryan

DFA TucsonPRESENTS IRAQ: What Next? Wednesday December 6th , 2006 at 7:00pm Northwest Neighborhood Center 2160 N 6th Ave , Tucson, AZ  (One block south of Grant Rd on 6 th Ave. Next to Mansfield Park) Click here for Map   A Panel Discussion followed by Questions and Answers. This Event is Free and open … Read more

An Invitation

Michael Bryan

You might have noticed that I’ve been rather quiet of late. My heart just isn’t in the blogging at the moment. Every time I think about a topic I might want to blog about a little voice says, "Well, who cares, really?" I’ve been locked in oppositional mode for so long that I’ve lost the … Read more

Representative Giffords Announces Transistion Team

Michael Bryan

A fairly important document, which has gotten only pro forma coverage from the traditional media, and a little more coverage in the local Douglas Dispatch, recently landed in my in-box: a press release naming the members of Gabby’s transition team tasked with creating a staff for the new Congresswoman. Their actions and decisions will have … Read more

Drinking Liberally 11/16

Michael Bryan

Liberals will be found drinking and talking at the Shanty on 4th Ave. again this Thursday evening, beginning at 6pm. This week our special guest will be Mike Hein, Tucson’s City Manager. I’m sure many of you haven’t yet met the fellow who now runs our fair city. In our City Manager-centric, civil-service-oriented city charter, … Read more

On to ’08

Michael Bryan

There are many who view the recent Democratic revolution (we might as well use the grandiose term, too) as little more than an opportunity to more effectively campaign to retake the Presidency in 2008. Given that there is little Congress can do to definitely end the war in Iraq (though plenty they can do to … Read more

Shadegg’s Party

Michael Bryan

Representative Shadegg of Arizona is making a bid for the minority whip post in the new Republican minority leadership. This excerpt from his letter demonstrates that the GOP isn’t chasted by their loss at all. If anything, movement conservatives are more out of touch with reality than ever."The vicious onslaught of attacks against us, individually … Read more

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