A subtle warning from the National Review

Posted by AzblueMeanie:

A great catch by John Aravosis at Americablog.com. National Review appears to portray Romney, Ryan as Communists:

This is the cover of the current National Review, "the" journal of record of conservatives in America.


If you're a student of history, this style will be familiar – it's
communist. And this image below is clearly the Soviet propaganda poster
the Romney/Ryan image was based on.


There's no way this is a coincidence. Down to the flag it's the same
poster. Some of the commenters noted that Romney's and Ryan's arms are
suggestive of the hammer and sickle, but the books and architectural
plans take the place of the hammer, their curved arms are the sickle.

I get that the National Review thought they were being ironic or
satirical, but I'm not sure portraying Romney and Ryan in the guise of
America's biggest enemy of the last century is politically wise.

So what is the point the National Review is making with this cover? That we are all going to be subjected to an authoritarian ideological regime if Romney-Ryan are elected? Is Paul Ryan going to make us read Ayn Rand? Are those of us who do not subscribe to Tea Party far-right ideology going to be sent to reeducation camps? Please explain, National Review.

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