About those $450K ‘Payments’ to Refugee Families

You may have heard the propagandistic gnashing of teeth by the fascists about the ‘injustice’ of ‘giving’ ‘illegal immigrants’ $450,000 payments for ‘breaking our laws’ and ‘invading our country.’

Well, here’s the thing: those ‘payments’ are an attempt to settle a group of lawsuits by those families the Trump Administration illegally (under U.S. law, international treaty, international law, and any shred of human decency) ripped apart.

So, they aren’t ‘payments’; they are settlements.

The average claim is over $3m in damages, and a legal right to remain in the country as refugees; this is a low-ball offer.

The Biden Administration is trying to settle because the U.S. will LOSE these cases; these cases are slam dunk losers – Trump absolutely broke the law.

The Biden Administration is also trying to settle these cases because they fear that the discovery process will prove VERY embarrassing to the United States image in the world (and, merely incidentally, to Trump). Remember that the Biden Administration is not claiming executive privilege for Trump’s decision-making process when he did illegal shit like this (and fomenting a coup…), so maybe we, who are on the side of decency and human rights and, you know, not fascism, should maybe hope these cases DO go to trial?

So, you do you, but I hope the fascists get their way, and they manage to shame Biden into NOT settling these lawsuits.

I hope these cases go to trial.

I hope Trump’s monstrous moral cowardice and racism are exposed to the world during those trials, even if our national image takes a beating. We deserve it for electing a fascist, immoral idiot.

I hope those abused children win the right to remain here, grow up in the United States and become powerful voices for the dignity and rights of refugees.

I hope these families win WAY more than $450K. I hope they each get millions.

I hope that maybe we will learn a collective lesson: that no person deserves to be treated inhumanely, illegally, and immorally, simply because they are migrants – whatever the reason they are displaced from their communities, culture, and homes. Because with global climate change making some places uninhabitable, we are now seeing just the very leading edge of a tidal wave of desperate humans who will be seeking refuge in years to come.

I live in hope these days…

Anyhow, here’s a nice video by Beau of the Fifth Column on the subject you can quickly shoot to any idiot who seems to be upset by the propaganda to put the matter into proper perspective and context:

It’s just a thought…

5 thoughts on “About those $450K ‘Payments’ to Refugee Families”

  1. Well, if you’re going to blame Trump for all our immigration woes (remember Congress writes the laws and the President signs them), then we might as well blame God. After all, He is the one who created this world and human beings and scattered them throughout the earth. So why is it the U.S. responsibility to take care of the world. Why doesn’t this administration follow our current immigration laws? If they did, none of this would have happened. So maybe the members of Congress should pay these illegal immigrants for their failure to insist our laws be obeyed. If you pay those people, why can’t our own citizens file similar claims for being separated from their families when sent to prison? Oh, and you’re calling them fascists only shows your true agenda and ignorance. The only political body in this country that is centralizing power and control of the population and economic system are the Democrats.

    • Diane needs to actually read that bible.

      Jesus commands us to welcome people or be damned.

      Something about him being a refuge himself…

    • Was tempted to just trash this comment, too, but decided it better to just leave it as an example of the extreme bigotry, ignorance, racism, and general awfulness of today’s right-wing.

  2. Seems Billie either didn’t read the article or didn’t understand the article or just doesn’t care about following the law when brown people are the victims.

    Probably a bit of each with a lot of the last.

    • Sorry had to trash the original comment you were responding to. Too hateful and stupid to tolerate.

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