Governor Doug Ducey, the ice cream man hired by Koch Industries to run their Southwest subsidiary formerly known as the state of Arizona, will be welcoming the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to the hub of the “Kochtopus” evil empire in Scottsdale, Arizona today for the 2015 States and Nation Policy Summit.
The Agenda has Governor Ducey speaking at the luncheon today at Noon.
The Breakfast meeting for Thursday features former Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn. The Thursday luncheon speakers include about to be impeached Maine Governor Paul LePage, and president of the American Enterprise Institute, Arthur Brooks.
The Breakfast meeting on Friday features John Fund and Grover Norquist (two of the biggest assholes you will ever meet) and Chief Executive Officer of ALEC, Lisa B. Nelson. Friday’s luncheon speaker is presidential candidate Dr. Ben “The Blade” Carson, who is fading fast in the polls, National (US) Poll – December 2, 2015 – Bump For Trump As Carson Fades In Republican Race, now that Americans have figured out that he is just another conservative grifter on a book tour.
Friday night is “State Delegation Night” where all the Tea-Publicans in the Arizona legislature who are destroying this state will be found.
The Arizona AFL-CIO is prepared to offer their own welcome to ALEC:
In Scottsdale on Wednesday December 2nd, from 11:30AM to 1:00PM, at the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, 6902 E. Greenway Parkkway, Scottsdale 85254, join multiple workers’ rights & environmental rights groups and activists as we protest ALEC. That’s the right-wing operation fronted by billionaires like the Koch Brothers. They meet in secret behind closed doors to buy our legislators and create anti-worker model legislation without public input. Arizona’s own Governor Doug Ducey will be speaking to the group during over lunchtime.
Then again on Friday December 4th from 12:30PM to 2:00PM the ALEC crowd will hear from presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson. We’ll be there too.
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