With the Cochise County Election Deniers Under Indictment, Now is the Time to Show Support For Anne Carl for Cochise Recorder!

UPDATE: If you haven’t heard the latest news out of Cochise County, Supervisors Judd and Crosby have now been indicted by an Arizona Grand Jury on a count of Conspiracy and Interference with an Election Officer each, based on the connivance and advice of Anne Carl’s MAGA-election-denier opponent Recorder Stevens. No word on whether AZAG Mayes is investigating Stevens’ role in that conspiracy at this time.

I organized a fundraising event for CarlForCochise.com earlier in November, just before the Thanksgiving break, and I wanted to share some highlights for those of you who hadn’t the time or inclination to attend, but might be interested in this key race for Arizona’s future in 2024.

Donate to Anne’s race now!

The event was a great success and – if I may say so myself – great fun! If you attended, I urge you to drop a comment about your experience and your support for Anne’s campaign.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in planning, staffing, and attending the event, especially Kevin Dahl, Mary Ganapol, Rick Sage, Steve Bryan (my brother!) of SasoMusic.org who provided our quartet, and Emili Krzyzanowski of Humbleboard.com who provided our grazing table. Thanks to the additional speakers, Recorder Gabriella Cázares Kelly, Supervisor Rex Scott, and, of course, Councilperson Kevin Dahl.

Finally, I want to give a hearty shout out to our Host Committee Platinum and Gold level donors, sponsors and endorsers. Here’s a list of them: Pima Co. Supervisor Rex Scott, Tucson City Council Member Kevin Dahl, Kirsten Engel (Candidate for U.S. Congress), Michael Bryan, Mary Ganapol, Christina McVie, Lori Cinnamond, Christine Curtis, David Schaller, Joy Evans, Wilma Rankin, and Carolyn Harris. You are all champions for preserving our democracy. Many thanks to all our donors and attendees! I won’t give the opposition free information by telling you all how much the campaign raised from the event, but we definitely exceeded our goal thanks to the generous support you all provided.

I have a few video clips to share. Some of them were ruined by a camera bump that threw the focus, but we have clear audio of all the speeches during the rally portion of the event between the cocktails, yummy grazing, and great conversation hours.

This is me delivering remarks about why Anne’s race is so damned important for all of Arizona, and especially here in Southern Arizona:

Michael Bryan on the critical importance of Anne’s race for Cochise County Recorder to all of Arizona in 2024.

Donate to Anne’s race now!

Here is a clip of Anne’s address to the event crowd:

Anne Carl campaigns for Cochise County Recorder at an event in Tucson

Donate to Anne’s campaign now!

Here are the remarks of Pima County Supervisor Rex Scott at the event:

Pima County Supervisor Rex Scott delivers remarks on Anne Carl’s election for Cochise County Recorder.

Donate to Make Elections Boring Again Now!

Unfortunately, the camera was bumped and the video for Kevin Dahl of the Tucson City Council and Pima County Recorder Gabriella Cázares Kelly were unusably blurred, but the audio is fine, so that’s what we’ve got:

Listen to their wise and witty remarks here.

Donate to Anne’s race to turn AZ blue in 2024 now!

Do you get the idea that I would REALLY love you to donate any amount to Anne’s campaign? OK, good. Glad I was being clear… Let’s make the MAGA election deniers realize that denigrating and attacking our elections process is never going to work as a campaign tactic anywhere in Arizona, for any public office, and will not be tolerated!

Certainly our justice system is starting to wind up the conspiracy to interfere in our elections in Cochise County and the indictments now filed are a good beginning of that process. Let’s make the end of the process tossing all the bums out!

Please like, share, email, tweet, post on Facebook and Insta, make a Tick-Tock, tell a friend, or whatever else you can think of to help Anne beat the MAGA denialists! Be sure to use this exact URL to send people to donate to her campaign to help the campaign track your efforts on their behalf: https://carlforcochise.com/donate-pm11/#page-content.

Here is a gallery of candid and posed shots from the event. Maybe you’ll find yourself in them! Or next time!

Kevin Dahl doing his favorite thing at such an event!
Our grazing table by Humbleboard.com
Our quartet by SasoMusic.org
Future colleagues Recorder Cázares Kelly and Anne Carl
Anne Carl Listens to Supporters
Local Dem Powerbrokers LD 18 Chair Bodine and TheDGT.org President JoeD
Kirsten Engel’s campaign manager Maddy Peterson representing Kirsten, who was in DC at the time of the party, and has endorsed Anne and was on the Host Committee of the event.
Mike Bryan amusing Supervisor Rex Scott with his pitiful left hook…

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