Arizona Democratic Congressional Candidates react to the Wrong Direction Our Country’s Health Care System is Taking.

Remember when the Liar in Chief said he would repeal and replace Obamacare (also known as The Affordable Care Act) with a health care system that was better and less expensive.

Well, the current Administration has taken many steps to weaken Obamacare. Those, according to the Wall Street Journal, include:

  • Reducing the sign-in period and cutting back funds to advertise it. That did not work as the marketplaces have become an insurance fixture.
  • Cut off subsidies to insurance companies that used those funds to assist people in buying health care insurance.
  • Supporting the outright repeal of the law in Congress without having a replacement in place. Thankfully, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and the late John McCain voted to stop that.
  • Ending, through the Republican Tax Cut Plan, the Individual Mandate.
  • Joining a lawsuit to convince the courts to throw out the rest of the Affordable Care Act now that the mandate is not being currently applied.
  •  Allowed cheap junk individual and association plans to be offered for people to purchase that do not cover all possible health care issues and benefits under the Affordable Care Act.
  • Approving work requirements to enroll and receive Medicaid.
  • Giving permission for employers to deny birth control coverage based on religious grounds. They are also attempting to stop funding to Title X programs like Planned Parenthood.


People can probably put that promise along with the over 12.000 other lies the 2016 Popular Vote Loser has spoken since coming into office.

Since the current administration came into office:

  • Health care costs are still rising. It is even worse for people who have junk plans that do not pay all the health care costs for illnesses not covered in the insurance policy.
  • For the first time since the adoption of the Affordable Care Act, the number of medically uninsured has risen in Arizona and the nation.

Arizona Democratic Congressional Candidates offered their views on the wrong direction the countries health care system is heading.

Congressional District Five Candidate Joan Greene

Joan Greene

“Health insurance is purchased for peace of mind, in case you or a family member become sick or injured, you are able to seek the treatment you need without a surprise financial burden.

The rising cost of housing, education, everyday living expenses, and the low minimum wage are causing our families to make hard financial choices.

The choice that is on the chopping block is healthcare which includes not adding the financial burden of paying for insurance.

A healthy economy and community include taking care of every aspect of the person and this is where the current Representative in AZ05 fails miserably.

Andy Biggs’ idea of helping our Community is to take away the Affordable Care Act, a program that is very popular and people have said loud and clear they want to keep. Biggs has no plan or idea to replace the ACA with.

I have several options which include:

  • Building on the success of the ACA and continuing to make it better
  • People able to purchase Medicare at a younger age
  • Those who want to keep their private insurance are able to
  • Lowering the cost of prescription drugs

These are just a few options that will go a long way to keeping our Nation healthy and thriving.

I will fight for the needs of the Community while Andy Biggs continues to cater to the needs of his donors.”  


Congressional District Six Candidate Anita Malik

Anita Mailk

“Sabotaging the Affordable Care Act and selling junk insurance hurts families.

These so-called “insurance plans” don’t cover pre-existing conditions, have very low coverage amounts, enormous deductibles, low maximum payouts–all tactics used to deny medical bills. And the Trump administration is wrongly promoting these policies as alternatives to ACA policies.”

“These stories are heartbreaking. Imagine purchasing short-term health insurance that refuses to pay a $244,000 bill. Or having to hire a lawyer to fight against your insurance company. Or getting a surprise bill for $60,000 after the insurer paid only $100 for your emergency surgery.”

“The ACA isn’t perfect, but weakening it harms families in the most vulnerable moments. And we all pay the price.”

“We have to ensure higher coverage standards, we must strengthen Medicare and build upon it to achieve truly universal coverage.”

Congressional District Six Candidate Dr. Hiral Tipirneni

Dr. Hiral Tipirneni

“17-‘18 was the first year-to-year increase in uninsured rates since ‘08.

Medicaid coverage ⬇️ 2 mil people.
Uninsured rates ⬆️ impoverished states.
Huge racial disparities in insurance coverage between white/black/hispanic 🇺🇸’s.



Congressional District Eight Candidate Michael Muscato

Michael Muscato

“Healthcare is the number one issue in America and in Arizona’s 8th congressional district. Make no mistake about the fact that my opponent doesn’t have a plan to improve our healthcare system nor does the Republican Party. But that doesn’t stop them from trying to take away the healthcare and medical protections we currently have every chance they get. The very healthcare my opponent receives is, in fact, a government healthcare plan yet that doesn’t stop her from labeling Medicare as “socialist” and an “entitlement”. Being born and raised in CD8 I know entitlement when I see it, and it looks like Debbie Lesko.”

“Healthcare is a basic human right. Cancer doesn’t care about skin color, age, gender, or income. Life itself is a pre-existing condition. We need a fighter who is willing to stand up to prescription drug companies, insurance companies, and deliver on making our health insurance more affordable and accessible for all Americans. At the beginning of my campaign, I put forth a 13-page healthcare plan proposal called AmeriCare. It directly addresses cutting costs for prescription drugs, malpractice costs, misuse of hospitals, administrative costs, inflated monthly premiums, and the burden on businesses. It covers everyone 100%, covers pre-existing conditions, Veterans at no cost, rolls those on medicare right into Americare and saves them money, and provides for those on Medicaid. It can all be done. It just takes the right people in the office to work at it.”

“We don’t need representatives in office who can articulate that our healthcare system is broken. We are all well aware of that fact and many of those who complain are the reason why nothing gets done. We need leaders who will provide solutions, work together with their fellow representatives, and deliver on the promise to make healthcare more affordable. The citizens of AZ08 have a clear choice between electing the fighter we need or re-electing a representative without a plan to do anything other than strip away our protections and drive more profits into the pockets of her campaign donors.”

“We need more people covered by health insurance not less. We need more affordable healthcare, which cannot happen with fewer people paying into the system. We need better and more accessible healthcare. Our healthcare and well being is always worth fighting for.”

Congressional District Eight Candidate Bob Musselwhite

Bob Musselwhite

“Possibly the largest challenge to the people of the United States is the cost of medical services and medicine that continues to rise.  It takes nearly 18% of what we make every year”

“This situation has been created by essentially market-driven (whatever the market will bear) pricing, and unregulated prices on medicine.”
“The answer is to bring competition and choice back into medical services and medicine on the part of the consumer.  A start would be a non-profit public option with ethics similar to Medicare and a cost plus a reasonable profit for medicine”
” Until people have affordable quality choices the number of uninsured is going to continue to rise”
There are many ideas from the Democrats on how to improve the nations health care system and steer it in the right direction. These include shoring up and improving Obamacare by restoring what the current Administration has taken away and providing a public option to compete in the marketplace with the private insurance plans. Other suggestions include expanding Medicaid for the poor and extending Medicare to those younger than 65. Many want to shift everyone to a Medicare for all system.
What are the Republicans ideas on helping to right the health care ship?
Well, that was Obamacare which was largely taken from Romneycare which was taken from the ideas of Republican think tanks like the Heritage Foundation.
Maybe Republicans should remember where Obamacare came from and work with Democrats to repair what they helped create and build on it to benefit all of the American People.
Chart from Vox