Arizona Freshmen Vote Against It Before They Vote For It

Posted by Bob Lord

I'm reminded of that old Britney Spears song "Oops, I did it again" or perhaps Ronald Reagan's "there they go again."

Last week, prior to passing a Republican-backed Homeland Security funding bill, the House voted on an amendment proposed by immigrant hater Steve King of Iowa to remove protections for children of illegal immigrants, previously authorized by President Obama. 

Our three freshmen, Barber, Sinema and Kirkpatrick voted no. Only three Democrats voted yes, but the amendment passed.

OK, makes sense so far.

Then the amended bill was put to a vote.

And our three freshmen voted for it, immigrant bashing provisions and all. The overwhelming majority of Democrats voted no, but 25, including our three freshmen, joined Steve King and his friends. 

I can just hear them touting their "independence" and their "bi-partisanship" now.

Pardon me while I gag. 

So, I wonder, if asked about this vote by their base, will they explain how they voted against it before they voted for it?