Arizona Legislature: The coming week

By Craig McDermott, cross-posted from Random Musings

NOTE:  Because of time constraints, this post is not complete.  Agendas for House committees meeting on Wednesday and Thursday have not been covered as yet.  Those will be covered by Tuesday night and the post will be updated at that time.

NOTE2: The post has been completed.  

We’ve entered the period of the legislative session where almost every committee agenda will be changed before the meeting time, and when consideration of strikers will be present at nearly every meeting.


All committees meetings and agendas are subject to change without notice, and frequently do.  If you plan to travel to the Capitol to observe or weigh in on the consideration of a particular measure, check with the lege ahead of time to confirm that the meeting that you are interesting in is still on schedule and your item(s) of interest is still on the agenda for that meeting.

Meeting rooms designated “HHR” are in the House of Representatives building.

Meeting rooms designated “SHR” are in the Senate building.

Some agendas are summarized as “looks harmless”, but if they cover an area of interest to you, examine the agenda and the bills on it.  If I missed something significant, please leave a comment letting me know.

All House committee agendas can be found here.

All Senate committee agendas can be found here.


On the Senate side of the Capitol –

Natural Resources, Monday, 9 a.m., SHR109.  On the agenda: SB1185, appropriating $250K to the AZAG to pay for litigation against the feds’ reintroduction of the Mexican gray wolf into Arizona; SB1225, creating a committee to study the uses of industrial hemp; SB1441, possibly the most important bill of the session.  It declares that copper is the official “state metal” of Arizona.

Nice to know all of the real problems facing the state have been successfully addressed.

State Debt and Budget Reform, Monday, 9 a.m., SHR3.  On the agenda: SCR1013, a proposed amendment to the state constitution to give the lege the authority to preempt any state administrative rule that it doesn’t like.

Rules, Monday, 1 p.m., Caucus Room 1.  Long agenda, a few controversial measures.  Rubber stamp (on their way to floor action).

Commerce and Workforce Development, Monday 1:45 p.m., SHR1.  On the agenda: SB1403, defining “consumer lawsuit loans” and setting the maximum interest rate for the same (at 36%).

Water and Energy, Monday, 2 p.m., SHR3.  On the agenda: SB1465, specifying certain material must be included in contracts for “distributed energy” systems (aka – “rooftop solar”); and SCM1014, asking that the EPA do nothing to help reduce ozone levels in the atmosphere (if this passes, and it will, maybe next year the lege can pass a resolution suggesting that the name of the EPA be changed to “CPA”, or “Corporate Protection Agency”).


Rural Affairs and Environment, Tuesday, 9 a.m., SHR109.  On the agenda: SB1466, creating a fund to compensate livestock owners for livestock lost to wolves reintroduced into a given area by the federal government, and establishing a board to administer that fund.

Federalism, Mandates, and Fiscal Responsibility, Tuesday, 9 a.m. SHR3.  A neo-secessionist/”bay at the moon” special.  On the agenda: SB1291, enacting penalties for political subdivisions (i.e. – counties, municipalities, etc.) that enact gun laws that are more restrictive than anything produced by the state legislature; SB1330, invalidating federal laws relating to firearms (actually, it specifies laws that are in violation of the 2nd Amendment, but it doesn’t define an objective standard to determine that) and creates penalties for individuals and political subdivisions that do anything to enforce such federal laws; SB1331, barring political subdivisions and their employees from assisting the federal government in the collection of “metadata“; SB1384, requiring federal law enforcement officers to gain the permission of a county’s sheriff before conducting law enforcement activities in a given county.

Transportation, Tuesday, 2 p.m., SHR1.  On the agenda: SB1273, requiring the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) to issue a REAL ID compliant or Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) Enhanced Driver License (EDL) to an applicant requesting one; SB1369, allowing local authorities to establish speed limits on roads that are within their jurisdiction but not under their control (many of the state’s highways serve as surface streets in some of the state’s smaller towns).

Appropriations, Tuesday, 2 p.m., SHR109.  Looks harmless so far.
Public Safety, Military, and Technology, Wednesday, 9 a.m., SHR1.  On the agenda: In addition to three measures that are also on Tuesday’s Federalism, etc. agenda (SBs 1291, 1330, and 1384) SB1335, allowing homeowners to sue to block (and collect costs and damages) a political subdivision from requiring a homeowner to install a sprinkler system in a home; SB1445, proposing to keep secret for 90 days the names of police officers who use deadly force; SB1460, automatically restoring the gun possession rights for those who have had criminal convictions set aside.

Finance, Wednesday, 9 a.m., SHR3. On the agenda: SB1446, “reforming” sales tax as it pertains to building contractors.

Health and Human Services, Wednesday, 2 p.m., SHR1.  On the agenda: SB1318, seeking to harass abortion clinics by imposing more stringent paperwork requirements upon them; SB1329, imposing a requirement that a SNAP benefit card have a photo of the benefit recipient; SCR1003, expressing the lege’s opposition to something called the “Interstate Medical Licensure Compact“.

Government, Wednesday, 2 p.m., SHR3. On the agenda: SB1287, classifying the showing of another voter’s ballot to another party as a class 2 misdemeanor, with the exception of situations where a voter has revealed the contents of that ballot voluntarily (such as by posting a pic of their ballot on social media); SB1339, allowing public agencies to refuse to comply with a public records request if that request is “unduly burdensome”.

Financial Institutions, Wednesday, 2 p.m., SHR109.  On the agenda: nine bills that look harmless but are also technical enough that I don’t understand the real-world impact of them.


Education, Thursday, 8 a.m., SHR1. On the agenda: SB1434, expanding school vouchers; SB1463, creating the equivalent of school vouchers for online courses, siphoning ever more funds from school districts.

Note:  I use the phrase “school vouchers” where the lege uses the phrase “empowerment scholarships”.

Note2: They don’t use “empowerment scholarships” for the online course funding, at this time.

Judiciary, Thursday, 10 a.m., SHR109.  On the agenda: SB1195, codifying that someone who has been arrested does not have to provide a biometric identifier that is needed to unlock an electronic device unless a valid search warrant has been issued.


On the House side of the Capitol –

Elections, Monday, 10 a.m., HHR4.  On the agenda: HB2109, requiring specific language be used on ballots for bond approval; HB2536, the House version of SB1287 above.  The bills are slightly different in language and effect, so eventually one will be discarded.  I don’t know which that will be; HB2265, which, subject to voter approval, creates the office of Lieutenant Governor, and makes that person the director of the Arizona Department of Administration.

Rules, Monday, 1 p.m., HHR4.  Loonnng agenda.  A few controversial measures.  Rubberstamp.

County and Municipal Affairs, Monday, 2 p.m., HHR4.  On the agenda: HB2558.  Under current law, if a municipality wants to sell off a piece of real property, it must gain the approval of the voters if the value of the property exceeds $500K.  This proposal would raise the threshold to $1.5 million.

Children and Family Affairs, Monday, 2 p.m., HHR5.  Looks mostly harmless.


Transportation and Infrastructure, Tuesday, 2 p.m., HHR1.  On the agenda: HB2411.  Under current law, if someone commits a traffic violation and is sentenced to attend a defensive driving school, that person is not eligible to attend defensive driving school for at least 24 months.  This measure would reduce that period to 12 months.

Health, Tuesday, 2 p.m., HHR4.  Looks harmless, but there is a proposed striker to HB2556, relating to “hospitals; healthcare quality assurance”.  No text available as of this writing.

Banking and Financial Services, Tuesday, 2 p.m., HHR3.  On the agenda:  A striker to HB2220, relating to “security freezes; protect consumer”; and a possible striker to HB2611.  “Possible” because while the striker is shown on the bill’s detail page, it is NOT listed on the agenda.  The original bill proposal specifies a definition and some minimal regulations for “consumer flex loans”; the proposed striker looks to be a more technical update of financial services statutes.

Federalism and States’ Rights, Wednesday, 9 a.m., HHR4.  On the agenda: HB2175. I’m not a lawyer, so this one should definitely be studied by one to be certain, but this looks like the lege’s idea of a subtle claim to all public lands in the state; HB2326, calling for an amendment to the US Constitution relating to requiring a balanced budget, with some specific clauses mentioned (and not all of those clauses are budget-specific).

Commerce, Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., HHR1.  Looks relatively harmless so far.

Judiciary, Wednesday, 10 a.m., HHR3.  On the agenda: a striker to HB2089, turning the bill from one that would make it felony aggravated assault if someone commits an otherwise misdemeanor assault on an elected official into one that would make that change, but for “judicial officers”; HB2131, lifting the cap on attorney fees that can be awarded when a private party prevails over the government in a tax matter; a striker to HB2076, proposing to increase the size of the state supreme court from five justices to seven; HB2299, adding definitions and clauses to state law regarding sex offenders; HB2413, relating to civil penalties for “phishing”; HB2561, narrowing the state’s law regarding the unlawful distribution of private images.

Insurance, Wednesday, 10 a.m., HHR4.  On the agenda: HB2346, exempting workers’ comp insurers from having to provide reimbursement for medical marijuana (this will need a 3/4 vote to pass if it goes before the full chamber).

Appropriations, Wednesday, 2 p.m., HHR1.   On the agenda: a same-subject striker to HB2380, relating to public notice and the state budget (striker language not available as of this writing).

Military Affairs and Public Safety, Thursday, 9:30 a.m., HHR5.  Gun nuts rejoice!  On the agenda: HB2320, allowing firearms to be possessed in nearly all public events and establishments; and HB2509, with certain exceptions, making it aggravated assault (a class 4 felony) to take control or attempt to take control of another person’s firearm.

Government and Higher Education, Thursday, 9 a.m., HHR1.  Long agenda.  On it:  HB2315.  Current state law requires local governments to post certain financial information on the internet.  This bill calls for the firing of the public officer responsible for that if the information isn’t properly posted.

Agriculture, Water, and Lands, Thursday, 9 a.m., HHR3.  Looks harmless so far.
The House has posted a Third Read (final approval) calendar and a COW (Committee of the Whole) calendar for Monday.  The Senate has posted a Third Read calendar for Monday.  When others are posted, they will be available here.

The Capitol Events calendar is here.

Public meeting notices from the Arizona Department of Administration here.

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