Fitz: Your Holiday Gift List for Trumpers

Crossposted with permission from the wholly excellent David Fitzsimmons’ Substack! You should get a paid subscription if you haven’t done that yet! -Editor Mike Bryan 20 Christmas gift ideas for the Trumper in your family:

Fitz on Guns and Men of God

David Fitzsimmons has been on fire recently on his wonderful, profound, funny, witty and biting Substack, to which you should definitely subscribe! As the news broke of yet another mass casualty gun spree, this time in Maine, broke, so did Fitz’s patience… Guns! Guns! Guns! Numb to America’s Cult of Death This morning Fitz’s patience … Read more

Exclusive: First Draft of Kari Lake’s Senate Announcement Speech

Crossposted from David Fitzsimmons: Arizona’s Progressive Voice Substack by agreement. A copy of the first draft of Kari Lake’s speech announcing her candidacy for the U. S. Senate came into my possession thanks to a mole inside her campaign. My transcription includes her notes, her original unedited text and her corrections. Note that Lake writes … Read more

Kari Lake Running for Senate so she can Claim Aliens Stole the Election

Subscribe to David Fitzsimmons, Arizona’s Progressive Voice, at Kari will launch her bid for the United States Senate in October. Why? Maybe it’s because that’s when the Great Pumpkin rises from Mar-a-Lago, or that’s when the un-dead walk among the un-elected. The truth is I think the Republican Gubernatorial candidate who said, “Arizonans know … Read more