Fitz: The Cyber Ninja Saga, Part 4

Crossposted with permission from David Fitzsimmons’ excellent SubStack ‘Arizona’s Progressive Voice’. Why aren’t you paying subscriber, already? Trump’s boy, Doug Logan, “Patriot Doug”, Doug the fine Christian father of twelve, had failed to find any voter fraud in Maricopa County in the 2020 election. In fact, just the opposite. Biden had won by more votes than … Read more

Fitz: The Cyber Ninja Saga, Part 3

Crossposted with permission from David Fitzsimmons’ excellent SubStack ‘Arizona’s Progressive Voice’. Why aren’t you paying subscriber, already? Back in December of 2020, after Biden whupped Trump fair and square, a fruitless six-hour hearing was conducted by Senate Judiciary Chairman Eddie Farnsworth, a bilious character right out of “Green Acres”, found no evidence of any fraud, malfeasance, … Read more

Fitz: The Cyber Ninja Saga, Chapter 2

Crossposted with permission from David Fitzsimmons’ excellent SubStack ‘Arizona’s Progressive Voice’. Why aren’t you paying subscriber, already? In 2010, a decade before the “Cyber Ninja” circus in Arizona, young and handsome Doug Logan was one of the top scorers in a cybersecurity talent contest sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security. Quite a noteworthy feat … Read more

Fitz: The Cyber Ninja Saga Series

Crossposted with permission from David’s excellent Substack to which you should certainly support with a paid subscription. I’ve been so impressed and engrossed by the recent published expositions on the Arizona Republic’s costly, essential and heroic multi-year fight to open the Cyber Ninja saga to public scrutiny using our public information laws guaranteeing we, the … Read more

Let’s play “Your Republic is in Jeopardy!”

Crossposted with permission from David’s Substack “Arizona’s Progressive Voice” to which you ought to subscribe! “Hello and welcome to this edition of ‘Your Republic is in Jeopardy’, the game show to watch in 2024. I’m your host Wink Washington. Let’s meet the three contestants who’ll be playing with us today.” “First, the former Governor of … Read more