Idea of the Week: The Best Thing Donald Trump could do for the Country is Shut Up

Another week, another several dozen lies, mischaracterizations, and whoopers by the Liar in Chief.   Calling the coronavirus a foreign virus during his address to the Nation on Wednesday Evening (March 11). That line had to be one of the scribbles written by resident soul mate xenophobe Stephen Miller. Then again, what else should the … Read more

(Updated) Arizona Local and State Leaders Take Steps to Combat the Coronavirus.

Since the first Coronavirus cases first hit the country and Arizona, state and local leaders have taken the matter seriously and endeavored to prevent the virus’s spread and mitigate its serious effects on the state’s residents. Governor Ducey and his Team Governor Doug Ducey and his staff have diligently been keeping the states residents notified … Read more

Emily Kirkland discusses the Mission of One Arizona and Progress Now Arizona

In the aftermath of the swing to the fringe right with the Tea Party and the Electoral College election of Donald Trump, several mainstream progressive organizations have emerged in Arizona and across the country to counter the reactionary message and policy proposals from the band of fringe figures currently dominating the Republican Party. Two organizations … Read more

Suzanne Droubie would bring her life’s experiences to the Pima County Assessor’s Office.

For all jobs, experience does matter. As a candidate for the Pima County Assessors Office, Suzanne Drouble has buckets of it. If she wins the nomination and general election in 2020, she would bring the wealth of her experience to benefit the people at the Pima County Assessors office. Well versed in the intricacies of … Read more

Jeanne Casteen wants to be a Maricopa County School Superintendent for Everyone

When Blog subscribers first read about Jeanne Casteen in May 2019, she was starting her Primary Campaign to be the Democratic nominee for the Maricopa County School Superintendent post. Since then, her primary opponent, Jennifer Samuels, has withdrawn her candidacy allowing Democrats to flock to Ms. Casteen as she starts her 2020 general election campaign. … Read more