Is Elizabeth Warren the Democratic Ronald Reagan?

In 1980 the Jimmy Carter people were thrilled to have Ronald Reagan as a general election opponent, thinking, wrongly as it turned out, that the Wall Street loving Republican nominee would be too extreme for voters to put in the White House. Could history be repeating itself in the opposite direction? Is Elizabeth Warren, the … Read more

Former public prosecution lawyer Julie Gunngile aims to become the first female Maricopa County Attorney

When political junkies last read about Julie Gunnigle on the Blog for Arizona, she, along with Jennifer Samuels and Kristin Dybvig-Pawelko, were knocking on thousands of household doors in Legislative District 15, hoping to win seats in the Arizona State Legislature during the 2018 elections. While they did not prevail, they markedly helped increase turnout … Read more

Some Observations about the Second Series of Democratic Presidential Debates

The Second Series of Democratic Presidential Debates conducted by CNN was much better than the first ones sponsored by MSNBC. Candidates met on both July 30 and July 31, 2019. Most of the candidates, perhaps knowing this may be their best chance to make an impression and qualify for the September debates, brought their A … Read more

A Conversation with Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes

Although the November 2020 elections are still 15 months away, the growing staff at the Maricopa County Recorders office is already undergoing training to prepare for it. Maricopa County is the fastest-growing county in the United States and it has encountered its share of Election Day difficulties over the last three years. During the 2016 … Read more

Dear Mr. Trump: How does Racially Dividing the Country Make America Great Again?

This country owes a debt of ingratitude to James Comey, Jill Stein supporters, and all the voters who stayed home either because they thought Hillary Clinton was going to win or because they did not see a reason to vote. Their actions/inactions made it possible for the combined version of Karl Lueger (Mayor of Vienna … Read more