Dear Mr. Trump: How does taking Children off Free and Reduced Lunch Make America Great Again?

Many stories have been written about the recent attack from the 2016  Popular Vote Loser Administration on the poor by making it harder for those in the lower classes to qualify for the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), commonly known as Food Stamps, program. Fellow Blog For Arizona contributor AZ Blue Meanie released a piece … Read more

Arizona Legislators setting up a new Sustainability Work Group

What is a Sustainability Work Group and why are Arizona Legislators setting one up? For now, the draft purpose statement of the group states that it is to: “Work with businesses and sustainability organizations to develop a state sustainability plan for Arizona. Air quality, drought, fire, tourism, manufacturing, and transportation-these issues are related to each … Read more

Another Arizona Republican comes out of the Racist Closet

First, there was (now former) Republican Legislative District One Representative David Stringers racist comments on not enough White Kids to go around in schools and African Americans not “blending in.” Then, there is Congressional District Four Representative Republican Paul Gosar who has demonstrated a fondness for subscribing to known racist sites on Twitter. Last week, … Read more

Summer Maricopa County Democratic Convention Emphasizes Party Depth, Enthusiasm, Local Elections and Winning in 2020

The 2019 Summer Maricopa County Democratic Convention at the Madison Center for the Arts in Phoenix was a fun event that had a little bit of everything. It had: All the Democrats running for County Offices in 2020. County Party Chair Steve Slugocki commented to the hundreds of Precinct Committeemen in the auditorium that this … Read more

New Idea: Democrats need to stop acting Timid and start fighting like Republicans.

Republicans did not care in 1988 that the Willie Horton ads against Michael Dukakis were racially charged and unfair. It helped get their man, George H.W. Bush elected. Republicans did not care in the Clinton and Obama Presidencies that their obstruction would hurt the country. They wanted to use the perceived weaknesses of the Presidents … Read more