(UPDATED) Science Denying Reactionaries Exposed to Coronavirus During CPAC Conference

Two weeks ago, Trump Zone Resident and Fox Island reactionaries gathered at the annual Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) gathering to celebrate conservative causes, espouse fringe principles, and  happily salute the 2016 KKK Endorsed Candidate (Donald Trump.) It was also an opportunity to attack Democrats and the media for overblowing the significance of the Coronavirus. … Read more

Is it Too Early to Start Veepstakes in the Democratic Party; May the best Woman Win

With the Democratic Presidential Contest down to two over 75-year-old white men, several political journalists and pundits have already started to speculate on who Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders would pick as their Vice President. The Vice Presidency, since the time of Walter Mondale, has been an increasingly important position in the United States Government. … Read more

Mitch McConnell’s Worst Nightmare Might Come True; Good

What do the states Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, North Carolina, and South Carolina have in common? These are all states that will field competitive Democratic Senatorial Candidates in the 2020 elections. Maine Speaker Sara Gideon is running against Susan Collins in Maine. Colonel Amy McGrath is looking to vanquish Mitch McConnell in … Read more

Warren was not the Woman Candidate that could easily beat Trump; Klobuchar was

While many are, in the Washington Post columnist Stephen Stromberg’s words “mourning” the end of the Warren campaign, the female contender that should be receiving condolences for her stalled candidacy is Amy Klobuchar. The Minnesota Senator was truly the Goldilocks Candidate. She had the proposals that could pass Congress. She had the experience in the … Read more

Democrats Introduce Paid Family and Sick Leave Bill; Health Care Coverage Needs to Follow

While specialists in government and healthcare are increasingly taking steps to medically combat the Coronavirus, enlightened public servants in Washington like Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut  and Senator Patty Murray of Washington have finally introduced legislation that “would mandate all employers to let workers accrue seven days of paid sick leave and immediately provide 14 … Read more