As the next Maricopa County Treasurer, Daniel Toporek wants to be a Trusted Public Servant and Good Steward of the People’s Money.

Army Chief Warrant Officer Daniel Toporek wants to take the leadership and ethical skills he developed in the military and apply them as the next Maricopa County Treasurer in January 2021. If elected, Mr. Toporek would bring a culture of transparency, good character, competence, and inclusiveness to the Treasurer position. The current Maricopa County Treasurer … Read more

Having Twelve Candidates on the Same Stage is Ludicrous.

Do you want to hear in-depth policy discussions among the leading Democratic Presidential Candidates when they meet again in Columbus, Ohio on October 15? Of course, you do? Are you going to get it? No, because the Democratic National Committee, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that 12 candidates (with Tulsi Gabbard and Tom Steyer … Read more

JoAnna Mendoza wants to get her gear together and fight for Democracy

Gunnery Sergeant JoAnna Mendoza, a twenty-year Marine Corps veteran, is one of many who have recently served to protect the citizens and national security of the United States to decide to run for political office, as a Democrat. The Republican Party, especially in the age of Bush and Trump with its questionable military, homeland, foreign … Read more

LD 23 State Senate Candidate Seth Blattman wants to create a better life for his nephew and the other children of Arizona

LD 23 State Senate Candidate Seth Blattman wants to create a better life for his nephew and the other children of Arizona Arizona Legislative District 23 is a potential opportunity for Democratic Party gains in 2020. The district includes all or parts of Scottsdale, Fountain Hills, Paradise Valley, and Rio Verde. 2018 House Candidate Eric … Read more

Vice President Pence sold his soul for Donald Trump.

While highlighting Republican-sponsored events in Arizona on October 3, 2019, with Senator Martha McSally and Governor Doug Ducey, Vice President Mike Pence sold his soul, and the American People out, for Donald Trump. The Vice President, knowing the only way he remotely becomes the President in this alt-right incarnation of the Republican Party is to … Read more